Ana Natkins

Why you aren't reaching your goals

10 Reasons You’re Not Achieving Your Goals (And How to Fix Them)

Why you are not achieving your goals

Stop me if this sounds familiar. You’ve been hitting the gym consistently and sticking to your budget like a pro. To your friends, it looks like you’re on the fast track to success, but the truth? You’re far from reaching your personal and professional goals. Frustrating, right? Feel like throwing in the towel or questioning why you started your journey in the first place?

Don’t burn it down… I promise it’s not the answer!

Hold up and read this article I’ll show you why those goals still feel out of reach and how to turn things around before you spiral into doubt and frustration. Do you want to achieve your goals but are frustrated at your lack of progress? Let’s find out the best way to achieve your goals. Get your favorite coffee and pen and let’s start exploring the importance of goal setting and reasons why you may not be following through on them.

In my 20+ years in business, I’ve seen firsthand why people struggle to reach their goals. Often, it’s down to a few key reasons. Understanding these can be your first step to living the life you’ve always wanted.

And hey, if you want more insights like these, join my exclusive newsletter – spots are limited, so don’t miss out!

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What are some common reasons for not achieving your goals?

Common reasons for not achieving your goals include lack of clarity, procrastination, lack of motivation, fear of failure, and not having a plan or strategy in place. It’s important to identify these barriers and take actionable steps to overcome them in order to increase your chances of success.

These could be your Goal-missing Reasons

In the majority of situations, the following issues could be getting in the way of achieving your goals. Especially for those who are ADHD, it can be even more difficult to use the brain energy to motivate yourself to do something every day to achieve those goals. Those of you with neuro-divergence… I feel you (only too well some days). These may resonate even more with you. The good news is, there are tactics that can help us move forward.

Reason #1. You’re Setting Vague Goals

Ever heard “A goal without a plan is just a wish”? That’s what happens when your goals are as clear as mud. Set specific, measurable, and time-bound targets. Ever hear of “SMART goals”?. Well yes, there is a “corporate feel” to that, but there is a reason why they are so popular. It is because they are an easy way to create goals that are clear enough to allow you to achieve them.

Start small, only set 2-3 goals to start out using the SMART method. Remember that the goals themselves don’t ensure your success, but it is the imagined finish line that you use to create your habits and systems in order to achieve your desired outcome.

Need more guidance? Check out my blog on SMART goals.

Reason #2. Procrastination and distraction are Your Middle Names

Hey, friends, no judgment here. We’ve all been there, ignoring that to-do list in favor of taking the dog for a walk binging the latest Netflix “Working Moms” season or a number of other distractions.

It’s time to face those tasks head-on.

3 tips to help overcome procrastination.

  • Create a space where you can close the door, turn on ambient music, and leave your phone texts outside. Having a space that is specific for work helps your body and mind understand that it needs to focus.
  • Use the Pomodoro method. Set the timer for 25 minutes to work, then take a 5-minute break. I just set it with my Amazon Echo to help me get over the distraction hump
  • Eat the Frog – Do your most difficult or the task you are avoiding earlier in the day (or when you have more energy)

Reason #3. You’re Not Crystal Clear on Your Goals

To achieve success, clarity is key. What does success look like to you? Write it down, prioritize, and focus. Struggling with this? I help my clients, like Marissa Romero, who was once in your shoes, find her path through my Strategic Mapping.

I talk through this in my goal setting video you can find here from the beginning of 2023, but still relevant!

Planning for 2023 Digtally

Reason #4: You’re Working Hard, Not Smart

Friends, it’s not about the hours you put in but how you use them. I used to work round the clock with little to show for it. It wasn’t until I learned to work smarter that I saw real progress. Time to rethink your approach for a game-changing effect.

How do you work Smart? Let’s start with keeping things simple:

  • Create routines and habits about how and when you work.
  • Make your meetings productive by using an agenda
  • Work on the difficult tasks when your energy is the highest. Morning? Afternoon? From 1-3 AM?

Reason #5. You’re Going Solo When You Need Support

Still stubbornly doing things your way by yourself? I can relate. I am sometimes relentlessly independent, but sometimes, an outside perspective is what I really need to move forward. Hiring a coach or mentor or joining a group of like-minded women can transform your approach and fast-track your success. There are many ADHD business coaches out there as well as programs for women or business owners to help you get to that next step.

Two I recommend are Tara Wagners Breakthrough Boss or for Agency owners, Juliana Marulanda’s “ScaleTime” Program

Reason #6: Fear of Failure is Holding You Back

Fear of failure - goal-setting

Does the thought of failing make you want to run for the hills? Fear of failure is a massive roadblock. But remember, every successful person has failed (probably many many many times). The trick is to learn from these experiences and keep moving forward. Embrace your fears as part of the journey.

This is a mindset block that I only know too well. Fear of failure, Imposter syndrome, etc. Using mantras, meditation and planning are all helpful ways to reduce this. I am a fan of the “Calm” app as it helps me do a quick meditation whenever I feel the “imposter syndrome” peeking it’s head around the corner.

Reason #7: You’re Not Tracking Your Progress

It is essential to reflect on the progress you have made in life and acknowledge your achievements. Taking a moment to celebrate your accomplishments can help boost your confidence and motivate you to keep pushing forward. Remember that success is not just about achieving big goals but also about the small wins along the way. So, take some time to appreciate how far you’ve come.

Celebrating wins

ClickUp comes with a “progress” feature that’s really helpful to track how close you are to completing project or a task. Using this for goals is also helpful to measure how far you have to go.

ClickUp Progress Feature

Reason #8: Your Goals Don’t Align with Your Values

Here’s a thought: maybe your goals aren’t really what you want?

Sometimes, we chase goals that don’t align with our core values or intentions. Take time to reflect on what really matters to you. Align your goals with your values, and you’ll find the journey much more fulfilling.

Reviewing your values and your goals every 3 months or so helps make sure that you are being honest with how those goals truly fit in your life.

Reason #9: You Lack the Necessary Skills or Knowledge

This one is a hard one for me and some of my close entrepreneurial friends It’s okay not to have all the answers.

Maybe you need to upskill or learn something new to reach your goals. Embrace learning as part of your journey to success. There are plenty of online courses and resources to help you gain the skills you need.

lacking skills

I help my clients focus on their skills and personal upleveling experience as part of our Strategic Mapping and it’s helpful to make sure the goals are achievable.

Reason #10: You’re Not Adapting to Change

In a world that’s constantly changing, flexibility is key. If your strategies aren’t working, be open to adapting your approach. Sometimes, the path to our goals requires us to pivot and try new methods. Stay open to change and be ready to adjust your sails when needed.

As someone who is a huge fan of systems to get things done, this can be exceptionally hard for me and for others that are ADHD. Our lives literally depend on having systems in order to be fully functioning. If we don’t, then the amount of brain energy that it takes to focus and remember every little things can get overwhelming.

Reviewing your goals at a regular cadence will help adjust where needed, while still maintaining the systems you have in place. Think of how to adjust, rather than change course completely.

Establishing a growth mindset when it comes to your goals

It’s a bit of a shocker ⚡ to realize that the biggest obstacle to reaching goals is often ourselves, but not in the way that you would expect.. That’s right, self-sabotage is a real thing and a bit more prevalent than we’d like to admit. It’s a bit of a bitter pill to swallow, acknowledging that we might be our own worst enemies in the pursuit of our dreams.

growth mindset

Keep in mind, there’s also a silver lining in this realization. Knowing that you have the power to change your situation is incredibly empowering. As I like to say, “user error” is the best kind of error there is, because it’s the most easily fixed.

I’ve been exactly where you are now. There are times when I set a goal, get started, and then somehow find ways to trip myself up or be in situations where my life causes me to go another direction.

Whether it was procrastination, fear of failure, or just not planning effectively – I’ve experienced it all. It sometimes feels like a cycle I can’t break.

The game-changer for me was when I started to take intentional steps towards my goals. It wasn’t just about setting targets but also about understanding the patterns of my own behavior that held me back. Yes, seeking help was a big part of this transformation. I talked to coaches, joined support groups, and surrounded myself with people who had been through similar struggles, receiving their honest feedback. Their guidance and the sense of community are still invaluable.

Now, I’m in a place where I can share these insights with you. It’s not just about overcoming obstacles but transforming the way you approach your goals and your life. With the right mindset and willingness to adapt to change, you will give yourself the power to overcome any challenges that come your way.

I want to help you identify those self-sabotage traps and equip you with the tools to avoid them. Remember, understanding where the issue is, is the first step to overcoming your obstacle. Let’s turn those stumbling blocks into stepping stones on your journey to success.

Ready to break through those barriers? Contact me about my Simple Path to Success VIP day.

Not quite ready for that big of a commitment? Join my free newsletter for regular tips and support in a community of like-minded individuals.

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Stay connected for more insights and tips on achieving your goals. Follow me on social media – I share not just business advice but also my journey with ADHD with my family. You can find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I stay motivated when progress is slow?

Slow progress can be particularly challenging when you have ADHD. Remember, it’s normal for motivation to ebb and flow.

Celebrate Small Wins and revisit your “Why”. Both of these can keep you on track when you start falling off.

What should I do if I feel overwhelmed by my goals?

It always helps to repeat the phrase “What is the next best thing to do?”. In essence, break down your goals into manageable tasks (you can use ClickUp or Airtable to do this!) Also remember that self-care and guarding your energy is extremely helpful when dealing with overwhelm.

How important is it to set deadlines for my goals?

Goal deadlines help to “create a sense of urgency” as well as help prioritize tasks that you have on your plate and a specific time. Being able to understand the steps needed and the amount of time you have to complete them helps use that motivation to propel you forward.

Looking to learn more? 

Check out these blogs:

Mastering Client Communication: Tips for Success

The Ultimate Productivity System: ClickUp & Airtable

Airtable Goal Tracking Made Simple: Achieve your Goals


As always, Keep it Simple,

Anas Signature


10 Reasons You’re Not Achieving Your Goals (And How to Fix Them) Read More »

Embed Airtable in ClickUp

Airtable and ClickUp Workflow: Optimize Your Processes

Airtable and ClickUp Workflow: Streamline Your Processes

Quick… tell me how many of your tech pieces integrate together? How often do you feel like you are constantly opening up new tabs and trying to remember the name of that new software you just bought that’s supposed to “change how you do business?”.

Yes, that is a common occurrence in the field of small business. While we are super lucky we live in a time where there are SO many different types of technology out there that small businesses didn’t have access to 10 years ago, the sheer amount of it can be overwhelming, let alone trying to manage it.

This is why understanding your process and streamlining will optimize your productivity in surprising amounts.

I hear from so many clients that they want an “all in one” tool, and I get that, it feels as though things will be simpler if you can get everything you want or need from one tool

The fact is, that it’s impossible to find one tool that does everything you want and need it to do. Every business is different.

One more time for the people in the back…. EVERY BUSINESS IS DIFFERENT. That means, that there is no one tool that can handle EVERYTHING you want it to. It’s best to find tools that “play nicely” with others, otherwise known as integration

A little process mapping, a little understanding of what your business is actuallly NEEDING to reach it’s goals will go a LONG way to save you money, time, and best of all stress.

So, let’s figure out out how you can revolutionize the way you work with systems that integrate.

What are the benefits of integrating your systems?

You can greatly improve the management of your business workflow and enhance team collaboration by integrating the tech systems you utilize every day in your work. Connecting different systems increases data accuracy and accessibility, and enables better decision-making. It can also boost productivity (yay!) and therefore the effectiveness of your team.

By process mapping, you can start to streamline business processes, project management, and customer relationship management through system integration. While this article isn’t about process mapping specifically, I would be reticent to NOT mention it, as the process steps, the documents and information points involved are all vital parts of your business and need to have easy access wherever they reside.

What does it mean to Streamline Your Processes?

Streamlining your processes means optimizing workflow for maximum efficiency. By mapping out and identifying and eliminating bottlenecks or unnecessary steps, you can save time, reduce errors, and increase productivity.

It also improves collaboration, communication, decision-making, and project completion. Integrating your tech systems, such as Airtable and ClickUp, can be a game-changer for streamlining your processes and optimizing workflow. By connecting these systems, you can reap numerous benefits that will enhance your business management and team collaboration.

The Power of Integration: ClickUp and Airtable

So in the essence of streamlining, I have found through many projects in my corporate and consulting career, that the key pieces of how your business runs is within HOW you do your tasks, where the information lies (WHAT) that the tasks either need to be completed or is the deliverable of that task and also WHERE documents and files live.

Project, Info, and Document Management

The two biggest components of these really are the HOW and the WHAT. (the WHERE is a whole other blog post… but for the sake of brevity, I will shoutout to Google Drive and Dropbox)

The HOW of your business is the steps you need to take in order to get something done. You can also refer to these as TASKS. This is where ClickUp, or any other project management software, steps into the business and not only can you create your tasks lists, but you can also categorize them in a way that makes sense for your brain and your team.

I could go on about the aspects and features of ClickUp that are awesome for business owners, especially ADHD business owners, but I’ll let this blog speak for that at the moment.

The WHAT of your business is the information and details that the HOW of your business creates. This includes links to important websites or software, a client list and all their details, and assets created for clients as WELL as yourself.

This is where I believe the usage of tools like ClickUp starts to get a little convoluted. I have come across so many individuals and clients who keep the WHAT of their tasks inside the HOW. This means, that Designs are uploaded and messages sent in subtasks of a task of a folder of a space. They also use the somewhat limited database functionalities of custom fields to create spreadsheets. While I’m a HUGE fan of custom fields in ClickUp, creating a database that should ideally be created in a tool that can analyze through different views is arduous and clunky.

Let’s be honest, it’s frustrating as heck when you can’t get it to do what you REALLY want.

Let’s let ClickUp be what it is, a PROJECT MANAGEMENT tool with some cool extra functionalities that assist in the HOW things are done.

Airtable is possibly the only tool of its kind in the small business world (yes there are competitors, I see you SmartSuite) but Airtable truly stands out in it’s information management capabilities. It takes the concept of info management to a whole new level, offering a powerful and versatile platform for organizing your business data, links, and graphics.

Unlike ClickUp, which primarily focuses on task lists and project management, Airtable is designed as a dynamic database that allows you to structure and categorize your information in any way that suits your needs. In my humble opinion, there is no comparison when it comes to the ability of housing information, comparing it with other information, and automating based on the information’s criteria.

Imagine having your client list with all of their information, as well as when they purchased from you, how much money they have given you, what types of products/services they have purchased, and the deliverables from those services combined with your current tasks for that client, when the next projects or tasks are due.

All of your information in one place, but with tools that do their specific thing EXTREMELY well.

Pretty dope! (I’m showing my age here, I know. 🧑‍🦳 )

Benefits of Integrating ClickUp and Airtable

So you are starting to understand why it’s important to have tools and systems that do specific things very well, but don’t see how integrating clickUp and Airtable will help, especially if the whole aspect of the integration takes more work.

Firstly, the power of a unified view of projects, tasks and data cannot be overstated. This is a large reason why many clients look for an “all in one” type of software in the first place. In order to have a “second brain” for their business operations, they don’t want to go to multiple places to find it.

Secondly, with an integrated view, none of the information will need to be entered in twice. As someone who spent many years in looking at data and information, I can’t tell you how much DIRTY data is out there (yes, data can be dirty… dirty dirty data…. I digress). When I say dirty, I mean that there are 3 instances of the same information, with different details attached to each one. Although there are many reasons why this can happen, some of it is simply because the information is entered into 2 different systems 2 times.

No offense to you perfectionists out there, but every time information is touched by a human… the higher the chance of that information is wrong.

Automation is the magic sauce that makes my heart happy. I don’t necessarily mean automation BETWEEN the two programs, I mean the automation that is innate to each of the programs. ClickUp has been building on their automations over the last few years allowing for conditional logic, and Airtable has a REALLY decent internal automation system that can be used to send emails, update information between different tabs and a variety of other things.

This allows for simpler automation between the two programs using tools like Zapier because you are only pulling over specific information, not an additional 100 fields. As someone who is up to her knees in automation daily, this makes life MUCH easier in the long run.

ClickUp and Airtable Connecting

Lastly, the increased efficiency and productivity by leveraging the best features of both tools is a huge benefit to the integration of these two tools. For example. I have a use case where I run my CRM out of Airtable (you can check that out here if you are interested in the template for this.) While I have some of my processes automated (calendar appointments turn into leads), I always check it every day to make sure all details are filled in and the leads don’t need to be moved to the next stage. Instead of having each of these as a task in ClickUp to check, I just state “Check CRM and update as needed” to my daily task list. If needed, I can have a video or SOP on how that’s done if/when someday I pass it off to a VA or salesperson.

Update CRM Task List

So let’s just agree to agree. It’s time to matchmake these two tools in your business and get the best of both worlds.

How Does the Integration Work?

Integration by definition means to seamlessly share data or workflows between two software that allow for better and more enhanced functionalities of both tools.

This means that there are really 2 ways to integrate the tools, either to pass information or data between them using APIs (a computerized set of rules and protocols for interacting software applications) or actually using and/or providing the information in 1 tool to the other where it’s needed for the workflow.

This is important to know when integrating Airtable with ClickUp, mostly because a lot of the situations where integration is desired, are really just wanting to see the information in the other tool, not necessarily changing the information.

The simplest and most straightforward way to integrate ClickUp and Airtable is to simply embed an airtable view into ClickUp using the embed code from Airtable.

The second way would be to involve a third-party tool, such as Zapier or Make (formerly Integromat) to transfer vital bits of information needed for specific workflows from one tool to the other.

Continue reading for more information on when this is most applicable.

Streamlining Business Workflow with ClickUp and Airtable Integration

Remember the explanation about the HOW and WHAT of business tasks? This is important to remember when finding the best places and WAYS to integrate two tools together. Because ClickUp provides the ability to embed snapshots of other tools into it’s interface we will be considering that our MAIN point of entry into all of the information and tasks.

Airtable Embedd in ClickUp

Scenarios: Embed Airtable view into ClickUp Task or View for Customization

Many of the requests I have received in my work have been to pull information over from Airtable and make it visable within ClickUp so project managers can assess the completeness of a task or project or know at a glance the completion of said tasks.

This is as simple as adding a view with the Airtable information to the project itself. There are some examples below.

  • Group programs – embed an Airtable database of the members, their progress, their payments and how much time they have left as a view in the “activities” that must be completed.
  • Content Calendar – While ClickUp has some cool key features, nothing can overshadow airtable’s capabilities to capture all sorts of Content information, making it super-simple to reutilize for different needs in the future. You can have the steps to CREATE the content in ClickUp, and have the team update the airtable with all of the pieces needed for publishing. Embedding the view makes it super-simple to see what is not yet completed.
  • CRM – While many businesses utilize a CRM such as Hubspot, Dubsado, or Close, I have found that having a CRM built for you in Airtable not only gives you more power over the aspects you need, it also give you more visibility and ownership to nurture those leads. Also, having a CRM where you can embed the information into ClickUp is almost worth it in itself (interested in my CRM template? Check it out here)

To find out exactly HOW to embed airtable views into ClickUp, check out my Youtube



** Please note, you are unable to edit the airtable view in ClickUp, you will need to go to the application itself, but that is because no one should be “accidentally” or “unknowingly” changing your data. The reasons for this I will discuss in an upcoming blog.

Integration by Workflow Automation: Connecting by Zapier (or other tools)

There are other instances however, where key metrics or information would be better utilized by actually having information sent to your Project Management tool. specific tool. This is a bit more complicated than embedding an airtable view, but definitely a time and energy saver in the long run.

Imagine being able to close a client, and suddenly have their project and onboarding tasks show up in ClickUp, automatically assigned to the right people (and an email sent out to that client automatically to ask them to provide information for the project). Pretty cool, right?

There are some specific situations where this type of integration is super-helpful, some include:

  • Once a Lead becomes a Client, their Name, Project Name, and template are sent over to your Project Management tool, and the project teams are notified that the onboarding can start
  • If a client misses a payment, a task can be sent over to the project management tool to let the right team member know to follow up with them.
  • If you have a content calendar in Airtable with all your planned posts, an integration can create corresponding tasks in ClickUp as soon as a new content piece is added. It could also update the task if the status of the content piece changes in Airtable.
  • When a new job application is received in Airtable, create a task in ClickUp for the HR team to review the application and initiate the interview process.

While these use cases are extremely attractive to the business owner, it does take some know-how in order to plan out, create and manage a third-party tool like Zapier and Make that can handle this integration. Even in the age of AI, sometimes it takes thinking like a programmer to put together the logic to make sure this happens. Luckily there are a lot of courses out there to help as well as individuals who specialize in helping companies tie together their main systems using an integration tool.

If you are interested in Ana helping out with Airtable custom databases and ClickUp integrations specifically, feel free to reach out!

Call me: ☎️

How can integrating Airtable and ClickUp Workflow increase productivity?

Okay, so you understand that using Integrating ClickUp and Airtable can boost productivity by streamlining tasks, project management, and collaboration. With automation, task assignments, and project workflows become more efficient therefore making you and your team more productive.

ClickUp and Airtable Workflow

Centralizing task management and team collaboration into one tool can enhance productivity. Leveraging the individual strengths of Airtable and ClickUp and tying them together can super-power that productivity so that you and your team can spend your time and brainpower on moving the business forward or creating new lines of business.

Integrating ClickUp and Airtable also unlocks a plethora of powerful features for teams aiming to enhance their productivity and streamline work management. Whether you are part of large teams handling extensive business plans or individual users focusing on specific projects, this specific integration is a great way to optimize time management and ensure that every due date is met with precision. Airtable’s strength lies in its ability to manage relational databases, which, when combined with ClickUp’s versatile task management capabilities, provides teams with a comprehensive view of their projects through Gantt charts, timelines, and various other visual tools.

For those on a free plan, the integration still offers a wide range of features that significantly boost efficiency. Airtable records can sync with ClickUp, ensuring that all data is up-to-date and easily accessible, enabling teams to make informed decisions swiftly. This integration is not just a great tool for software development teams; it caters to small teams and individuals in various fields, adapting to different needs and workflows.

The best part? The transition and synchronization between the two apps are fluid, making it easy for teams to adopt and implement. From managing customer support tickets in Airtable and creating corresponding tasks in ClickUp, to visualizing project timelines in a Gantt chart for a holistic view, every aspect of project management is covered. Plus, with real-time notifications and comprehensive dashboards, teams stay informed and on track, regardless of the complexity of their projects.

This integration stands out as a beacon of efficiency, offering a solution that best fits the dynamic needs of diverse and remote teams. With its extensive features, robust customer support, and flexible pricing options, integrating ClickUp and Airtable is undoubtedly a consideration for any team looking to elevate their productivity and work management to new heights.

Wrapping it up 🎁

Navigating the dynamic landscape of project management and task collaboration requires tools that are not just robust, but also flexible and integrative. The seamless synergy between Airtable and ClickUp uncovers the myriad of ways in which their integration can transform your work processes, boost productivity, and foster a collaborative environment that is second to none.

From the simplicity of embedding Airtable views directly into ClickUp for immediate access to vital information, to harnessing the power of third-party automation tools like Zapier or Make for a more nuanced data transfer and task assignment, the possibilities are as limitless as they are innovative.

We’ve seen how these integrations can cater to a plethora of scenarios, from group programs and content calendars to CRM management, providing real-time visibility, and ensuring that every team member is on the same page.

Businesses of all sizes can do their work better and faster with this combo. It doesn’t matter if your team is big or small, or if your projects are simple or complicated. Integrating Airtable and ClickUp makes everything smoother, from planning to doing the work, and checking off tasks.

Take the leap, integrate, and watch as your workflows transform from good to exceptional. Welcome to a world where every task is an opportunity for excellence, and every project is a step closer to success.

Looking to learn more?  

Check out these blogs:

Simple Task and Project Management 👈

Planning your Week and Calendar Scheduling 👈

How to focus on the right things 👈

As always, Keep it Simple,

Anas Signature


Airtable and ClickUp Workflow: Optimize Your Processes Read More »

Productivity Systems for ADHD

The Ultimate ADHD Productivity System: ClickUp & Airtable

Rethinking ADHD Productivity Systems with ClickUp & Airtable

If you have met me or known me at all, you’ll know that I am the mother of two ADHD super-powered kids, and have recently been diagnosed as neuro-spicy myself. Little did I know that for the last 30 years, I have been figuring out how to operate in life with a brain that likes to go 50 directions at once, and can’t focus enough to get 1 thing done if I don’t set myself up for success first.

To be honest, one of the main reasons I have dove into and take serious pride in the systems and productivity work that I do is because I use to be the WORST when it came to getting things done. Nothing came easy to me, I had a hard time and had to scratch, crawl and climb my way through my classes at school, and excelled at things like piano and music because it didn’t require the same type of concentration that studying for a history test did.

I am one of those people who LOVE the logic of math but can’t hold onto the concepts long enough to apply the logic during a test. This is why I tested as gifted in math but went from AP. down to Honors and then down to College Prep math within 1 year in high school. This is something I was always embarrassed about at the time, but age and understanding have brought me back around to accepting and embracing my neuro-spicy superpower.

It took me a long time to figure out the systems and processes that work best for my brain and today I’m going to share with you why I constantly recommend ClickUp and Airtable as the power couple that not only acts as my “second brain”, but also is the central gear to many individuals businesses productivity and can be set up to match almost every brain type out there.

Below I will take a deep dive into the key features of ClickUp and Airtable that are beneficial for ADHD business owners and provide real-life success stories of businesses using both tools together. By the end of this post, you’ll have the knowledge and tools at your fingertips to improve your business operations and increase productivity.

So let’s get started.

Can an ADHD productivity system be customized to fit individual needs?

Yes, an ADHD productivity system can be customized to fit individual needs. Remember that everyone with ADHD experiences unique challenges and preferences, so it’s important to have a system that can be tailored to address specific needs throughout the team to manage time, tasks and priorities.

ADHD Overwhelm

Why is it so hard to be productive with ADHD?

If you have met someone with ADHD… you have just met one person with ADHD. Just like all individuals, we have different personalities and needs, but there is a deeper connection having to do with how we process information (or don’t in some cases) and how our executive functioning works. Generally speaking, we have a harder time focusing on just 1 thing because there are so many other stimuli wanting our attention. Sometimes if we DO find that one thing that we are good at, we often lose ourselves in it and don’t come up for air for hours at a time.

Both of these situations can and are detrimental in a business where others are depending on you to provide leadership, approvals or tasks completed in order to keep the customers happy.

Let’s dive into this a bit more.

Understanding ADHDers Productivity Challenges

Living with ADHD symptoms can present unique challenges when it comes to staying focused and organized.

In fact, it can be downright maddening at times.

The symptoms of ADHD vary from person to person, highlighting the importance of finding personalized productivity strategies, but in essence, because those with ADHD have issues with Executive Functioning (mental skills that help us stay on track and manage our time and emotions), it can feel like we are pushing a boulder uphill every day.

It’s exhausting.

This is why it’s so important to have a system in place that helps with time management and task prioritization struggles,.

With the right tools and techniques, it’s possible to improve productivity and achieve success.

Common Productivity Challenges for ADHD Business Owners

ADHD business owners specifically can face common productivity challenges in their daily operations.

Because there are always multiple projects for clients, or internally going on at the same time, it can be extremely overwhelming for brains that can’t even keep track of where their keys are if they aren’t on the hook next to the door!

Sustaining attention is a long-time struggle also making it difficult to stay focused and meet deadlines for themselves as well as their clients.

Delegating tasks to others requires the skills of passing on information, estimating the time it takes to complete and making trusting others to handle responsibilities which can be difficult when you feel pressure to ensure quality work.

Distractions, such as emails and notifications, disrupt focus in the best of us, makes it doubly hard to maintain productivity. (it causes what I like to call “squirrel brain”.

And lastly, balancing personal and professional lives can be a challenge for anyone, but particularly for ADHDers.

How Digital Apps Address ADHD Productivity Issues

So what can we do?

Luckily, we live in a time where there are many types of productivity systems and programs designed to improve productivity and help us focus.

Some popular ones that come to mind are:

Pomodoro Technique

Bullet Journaling

Eisenhower Matrix

When it comes to running a business, you also need tools that can speak to your team as well. This is when finding a tool or tools that works with how your brain works, helps you focus on the tasks that need to be done and in a way that makes sense is extremely important.

The ADHD brain needs structure, accountability, and prioritization in order to function optimally. (Despite the fact that so many neuro-spicy people out there say they don’t like ANY of these things. Liking and needing are two totally different things.)

Interestingly enough this is ALSO what a business team needs regardless of the types of individuals on it.

So what does this mean?

Well, it means that the tools you use to organize your business must have characteristics that allows it to keep structure, while still being flexible enough for the team member to get their information quickly and easily.

The following is a list of ADHD-specific requirements that I have always looked for with my clients when it comes to the tools they use

  1. It must be easily customizable to the team AND the user
  2. It must play nicely with other tools
  3. It must load quickly
  4. It must support templates
  5. It must be able to relate activities to other activities
  6. It must have automation or work with 3rd party automation tools
  7. It must have a solid repeating task system
  8. It must have decent mobile versions

All of these ensure that the tool will be beneficial to everyone in your company. Not only will it alleviate confusion, but it will help focus and allow you and your team to thrive.

Deep Dive into ClickUp for ADHD Productivity

So, all of that is to say that I keep coming back to ClickUp (especially with the new 3.0 version) as the quintessential project management tool for productivity for business owners.

If you haven’t heard of ClickUp, you may be living under a rock, but if you are new to the scene here is a quick synopsis of the tool. “ClickUp is the ultimate productivity platform to connect all of your work across apps, in one place. Users, teams, and even entire businesses rely on ClickUp for its rich set of fully customizable features.”

You can check it out here: ClickUp for ADHD Management

Initially, ClickUp was just a project management tool, but in recent years it has expanded it’s capabilities to include other features like documents, whiteboards, mindmaps, and prebuilt templates to kick-start your system.

Some individuals, ADHD and neuro-typical alike can find this a bit overwhelming at first, but if you start small, and discover HOW to use each of the additional tools as you grow and expand, you start to understand how all of these features can come together for your whole team.

Key Features of ClickUp that are Beneficial for ADHDers

ClickUp does offer a range of features, but there are also cons that individuals should be aware of as well. Even though I’m a huge fan, I fully admit that no system is perfect (well, unless you build it yourself, which is a WHOLE other blog post).

At first glance, ClickUp can seem overwhelming, but like any task management system, it has 2 main areas that build upon each other, allowing for some customization as mentioned earlier.

First, the “Spaces” area, which is built upon a heirarchy of Spaces, Folders, Lists, Tasks, Subtasks and Checklist (not to mention Custom Fields (MY FAVORITE THING) and communication within the tasks itself. This is where the bulk of the work and lists can be organized and worked through

Secondly, is the “Home” area which has added features such as a personal “inbox” to see all notifications, internal documents, dashboards, whiteboards and additional areas that are being developed, like Goals and Pulse. Basically these use the information in the Spaces area or added features that can be used in conjunction with it. Good to have, but not necessary to function.

ClickUp Productivity Menu

✅ ClickUp pros for productivity and ADHD

How is ClickUp more well-suited for those with ADHD? Well I made a list below of the features of the program and why those could be helpful individually for those who struggle with organization and time management. Check it out:

  1. Structured Organization: ADHD individuals can sometimes struggle with organizing tasks and projects. ClickUp offers a structured way to break down projects into smaller tasks, subtasks, and checklists, making it easier to focus on one thing at a time. Of course, this also goes along with, the fact that it is also customizable in how the hierarchy is used.. Users can set it up in a way that best matches their working style, which is crucial for ADHD individuals who might need a personalized system.
  2. Reminders and Notifications: For those who tend to forget or procrastinate, ClickUp’s reminder and notification system ensures that important tasks don’t slip through the cracks, something I am all too familiar with before I discovered this tool
  3. Integration with Other Tools: Although we all wish there was 1 software that did everything we needed in business, we all know that no such thing really exists. Most software out there do 1 thing really well for 1 business type. Since every business is different, you either have to fit your business model into their software, or use other software and integrate it together. I’d prefer the latter. ClickUp’s integrations ensure that they don’t have to switch between multiple platforms, reducing the need to flip from one tab to another
  4. View-types and Filters: Perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of ClickUp are the ability to create different views from the same task list, enabling each team member to see only what is pertinent to THEM, or be able to filter to specific types of tasks. This is super-important when it comes to prioritization of tasks and figuring out which ones are highest priority.
  5. Recurring Tasks: For routine tasks or habits, the recurring task feature can help ensure that these tasks don’t get forgotten, providing consistency and routine, extremely beneficial for those of us who just can’t keep it all in our head.
  6. Templates and Automations: While setting up ClickUp can take some time to cater specifically to your business’s needs, the creation of Templates and utilization of Automation with those templates can take what use to take hours and be wrought with errors to minutes and exactly correct every time. No more panicky moments of “Oh no, what did I forget this time?!”

❌ ClickUp cons

While ClickUp offers an extensive range of features, some individuals with ADHD who prefer simplicity might find it overwhelming at first. I hear this most often of all.

Remember, that while initial setup may take some time, having a tool that fits your brain will save you time (and lots of stress and anxiety) in the long run.

Airtable: A Powerhouse for ADHD Business Organization

So onto my OTHER favorite tool for organizing the neuro-divergent mind… Airtable.

I’ve heard Airtable described as Excel on steroids, and while I like the visual..

Excel sheet on steroids(Thank you AI)

… I don’t think it’s exactly accurate.

While ClickUp is a phenomenal tool to pull together all of your tasks and related actions, Airtable is a great tool to pull together all of your information or data. How is that different? I’m glad you asked!

A Task is something you do. It has someone who needs to do it, a due date for it, sometimes it is categorized as a marketing task, it can have a status or even can have progress measured against it depending if it has many subtasks.

Information is what is generated by the task. It can be a client list with all of their contact details, business details, and previously purchased services. It can also be a list of your services attached to your financials, perhaps even a list of everyone who has ever applied for a job at your company.

This is what Airtable is amazing at. Collecting and displaying all of your business information in ways that make sense to whoever is viewing it.

✅ Airtable pros for productivity and ADHD

So now that we know what Airtable is, let’s see how it can help with the productivity of those who struggle with ADHD. (You’ll find that many of the features we mention are the same as for ClilckUp, but for a different type of tool.) Here are just a few

  1. Visual Organization: Airtable’s grid, kanban, gallery, and calendar views allow for visual organization. For people with ADHD, visual cues can be instrumental in processing and recalling information.
  2. Customizable Layouts: Every individual’s mind works differently, especially those with ADHD. Airtable allows for the customization of fields, so users can set up their base (what Airtable calls a database) in a way that makes the most sense to them. Airtable Productivity
  3. Linking Records: ADHD individuals can sometimes struggle with associating related pieces of information. In Airtable, linking related records across different tables helps to create associations and visualizes how different pieces of information connect.
  4. Attachments and Rich Fields: Users can embed images, videos, and other files directly into their records. This multimedia approach can cater to different learning and processing styles, which is great for individuals with ADHD. Airtable Image Gallery
  5. Templates: Just like ClickUp, Airtable offers simple templates for various use cases (as does the community at large). For someone with ADHD, starting from scratch can be overwhelming or they may just need to see examples to get their brain spinning.
  6. Automation: Automations, internal to Airtable can not only notify of updates happening in the system but also send out emails, create new lines in other tables, and many other things. In fact, it is one of the best features of Airtable. If you take the system out of an ADHD person’s head and give it to a tool, it frees up that much more space for creativity and hyper-focusing on what they do best.
  7. Search and Filter: For ADHD individuals who might get overwhelmed with too much information at once, the search and filter functionalities in Airtable can help them quickly pinpoint the information they need.
  8. Mobile Access: The availability of Airtable on mobile devices means that ADHD individuals can access and update their information on the go, which is great for those spontaneous moments of inspiration or when they remember something important.

By utilizing these additional features, ADHD individuals can optimize their workflow and improve their overall productivity on a daily basis.

Creating a Second Brain for tasks and information using ClickUp and Airtable

With this knowledge of how ClickUp AND Airtable can, be beneficial for anyone overwhelmed by “all.the.things.”, there is one more trick up our sleeve, in how to work with them TOGETHER.

You have heard of the second brain, it’s a term used to describe a place to put your thoughts, tasks, your internal “to-do” list outside of your body to help you and others remember all the things that we may forget, but don’t want to or would be in trouble where we do.

Using the task management within ClickUP, and embedding the information management of Airtable INSIDE of ClickUp creates the super-powered brain of all second brains, in a way where all automations can work together and you don’t need to put in the same information multiple times.

Not only is this incredibly helpful to those whose neuro-divergent minds can wander off in giving them all the information they need upfront, but it’s also incredibly efficient and effective for anyone else gathering that information.

I have done this for hundreds of clients over the past few years, as well as in other tech when I was in corporate, and have been told multiple times how it really does combine the best of both worlds

In Conclusion

By customizing the way your brain processes and stores information, ClickUp and Airtable is a great way to create a system tailored to your needs.

Say goodbye to the overwhelm and embrace the efficiency of having a second brain with ClickUp and Airtable.

By understanding the unique struggles faced by the neurodiversity community and utilizing digital tools like ClickUp and Airtable, you can create a more organized and efficient workflow for yourself and your team by using the tools customizability, automation capabilities, and streamlined business processes.

Whether it’s creating a second brain for tasks and information or integrating ClickUp and Airtable for comprehensive business management, these tools have proven to be game-changers for many ADHD business owners. So, take advantage of the features they offer and see how they can improve your business operations and personal lives. Empower yourself to overcome productivity challenges and achieve success in your endeavors.

The only way to learn something is to USE it!
Grab my FREE Airtable Business Hub with Training

The Ultimate ADHD Productivity System: ClickUp & Airtable Read More »

Goal Management Image with checklist

Airtable Goal Tracking Made Simple: Achieve Your Goals

Simplify Goal Management with Airtable Goal Tracking

Are you someone who struggles to keep track of your goals? Do you find it hard to manage them effectively and efficiently? I’d like to encourage you to try a little tool called “Airtable” to help you start to organize your goals (and whatever else you need in your life.) Whether you are a small business owner or an individual looking to organize your personal goals, Airtable has got you covered.

In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about using Airtable for goal management. We’ll walk you through the basics of the platform, how it structures your goals and projects just like lego blocks, and how you can apply your SMART goals in Airtable. We will also share tips on optimizing the platform for your specific business needs. In addition, you’ll find an Airtable template to use as a starting point for organizing and tracking your goals.

Alrighty then, let’s go!

Understanding Airtable for Goal Management

Airtable can uplevel your goal management (once you have set your goals… check out my blog on how to do that here! ) with its user-friendly interface, empowering you to track and prioritize your goals effortlessly. By centralizing all your goals in one place, Airtable provides a streamlined experience that shows and connects to other areas of your business, making gathering metrics and tracking the projects much simpler than going 10 places to find information.

Airtable has a lot of free templates that will allow you to create a goal and/or management system tailored to your specific needs – (or you could check out my super low-priced one! -> Airtable goal tracker.)

Additionally, the features like linking and filtering, Airtable enables efficient organization and visualization of your goals, helping you and your team stay focused and motivated. Streamline your goal management process with Airtable and unlock your full potential.

How Does Airtable Support Business Goals?

Airtable is a powerful database tool that supports businesses in all levels, but started with the small business in mind.

It is a collaborative platform for teams to align their objectives and track key metrics throughout their organization (as well as many other aspects). With integrations and flexibility, Airtable enables seamless data sharing and allows businesses to not only manage, but also share it’s goal management system with other tools for easy communication.

Pretty cool yes?

Applying SMART Goals in Airtable

Once you have figured out what your new goals are, you are ready to set them up in Airtable.

I have created a previous blog about how to specifically do this that is applicable in this situation.

This will make it extremely easy to end up setting up your project management tool or do your management with Airtable if you prefer.

In my goal-tracker, I have a Form that can be filled out to set my goals and make sure that they are SMART goals for my business.

New Goals Airtable Form

This will automatically add it to my Goal Spreadsheet and tell me HOW these will be measured throughout the quarter of year.

The first step, DONE, getting them in Airtable.

The next part of this is figuring out the steps that need to be taken in order to help the goal be successful.

This is the starting point of your internal projects that are related to each goal.

From the list of steps, create 1 project for each major step. This is best done to be listed on another tab and associated to the goal that it goes to. You can do this by adding a project on the project tab, or clicking the “+” sign.

These are the building blocks of reaching your goals.

Some of them will be one-time tasks

Some of them will be creating a system or a repeating series of tasks that need to be done weekly

In either case, it is these “Projects” or “Tasks” that will determine the measurement of your goal-reaching.

Airtable Goal Tracking

At this point in the process, I recommend that you either put the projects and the tasks inside of a project management tool or use AT as a PM tool for these goals specifically. But the actual TRACKING of the goals I recommend to be in an Airtable Base.

Reason being, this program was MADE to handle data and information and combine it with other information, making it easier to pull in information automatically as your business grows. It really is it’s superpower.

To make sure that the information is being updated, just make sure that there is a reminder to yourself, or your team, in your PM tool to update the metrics 1x a week.

As you learn more and use Airtable more, you will be able to automate these metrics in their appropriate spots.

Important Note:

ONE of the Projects that you need to include in EACH of these is to make sure to track your goals at least 1x a week and update when necessary. I find actually creating a daily/weekly to-do list that needs to be done every day is the best way to create this habit. This can be done in ANY tool as long as it’s someplace that you will make sure to check.

In my goal-tracker, I have added a Metrics tab, where we can account for all of the targets and actuals.

What Makes Airtable a Preferred Choice for Small Business Owners?

Because this software is so flexible and pliable, it is a well-known software choice for the companies that have specific information and project management needs. It stands out as a preferred choice for small business owners due to its user-friendly interface and customizable goal management system.

In the end, finding software that can grow with you, that is the best in its class and is affordable is a definite plus of this tool. I encourage you to see if it’s something that you could use in your business.


In conclusion, Airtable Goal Tracking is highly recommended if you haven’t been using anything else or if you haven’t found a good way to make your goals front of mind.

The software’s versatility and customizable features make it a preferred choice for small business owners looking to optimize their goal management strategies.

Ready to simplify your goal management? Download Airtable now and take control of your business’s success.

Want to read more?

Looking to learn more? 


Check out these blogs:

Simple Task and Project Management 👈

Planning your Week and Calendar Scheduling 👈

How to focus on the right things 👈

Anas Signature

Airtable Goal Tracking Made Simple: Achieve Your Goals Read More »

Maximizing Efficiency with SMART Operations Goals

Achieving Success with SMART Operations Goals

It’s the time of year when the leaves are starting to turn, I am starting to spend more and more time at kid’s fall sports activities and we are inching on the last 100 days of the year. It’s also when I start thinking about SMART Operations goals for the following year.

This is the time when even if your business isn’t on the typical quarterly or yearly planning system, you start to think about the next year in terms of how you want to accomplish. If not professionally, personally.

Is this how your head feels this time of year? Too many sticky notes with reminders? Too many tabs open and your processor is starting to overheat?

Picture of messy un-focused person's desk

For those of us with small businesses, now is the time to take stock of where we are to reflect on the past year and narrow in on how to move our business forward next year.

2023 has been a difficult year for some and has really outlined the importance of marketing and sales and being able to pivot your business to your target clients’ needs. Granted, this is not an official study, but definitely what I’ve been hearing in the many conversations I’ve been having.

So I am deep diving into goals today, not only for those that need it, but also to remind myself about the importance of SMART goals, why the framework exists, and how it helps small businesses.

What are SMART operations goals?

SMART operations goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that organizations set to improve their operational performance. These goals help businesses streamline their processes, reduce costs, increase productivity, and skyrocket customer satisfaction.

For those of you who haven’t been in the business world for long, or dozed off during that business class in college, SMART goals are a way of creating goals that help organizations create solid goals for their organization that can be understood, measured, and assessed quickly.

SMART is an acronym meaning Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Before going into what each of these means, let’s talk a little bit about what it means to set goals in your business, and how even though each of us works differently, having a practice to create visible goals or “landmarks” in your business is beneficial, even if you aren’t a specifically “goal-oriented person.

Setting goals helps to give clear direction and vision for the company and its employees

As a systems person myself, I have found a lot more luck in establishing systems and habits in my business, than having a goal in mind and trying to figure out how to reach that goal day in and out. However, I was going about the goal-setting business in the wrong way before. Goals should be the end point of your systems and habits, not an island alone in the ocean that you are trying to get to on a boat without a paddle. (Yes, I did make up that example by myself, thank you).

Goals (SMART Operations Goals) help provide the endpoint and help establish the roadmap for where you want your business to go. Systems, projects, and habits are the vehicles that drive the journey toward that goal.

We will talk more about establishing the roadmaps… I mean systems based on the goals later, but actually identifying WHAT you want to do, is the first step. (I mean, you aren’t going to hop on a plane and not know where it’s going, are you?)

What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?

SMART goals on my iPad

S is for “Specific”

Specific means precise. I am someone who thrives on definitions. As someone who knows a lot of words can be ambiguous I’m always clarifying what my clients (or my husband) say to make sure I understand EXACTLY what they are talking about. This is a great example of the need to be specific in your SMART goals so everyone can understand them.

For example… saying that you want to increase sales… is not specific enough. (well no $#it sherlock). A more specific goal might sound like, “I want to increase sales of my Service by 10% in the next quarter”.

Another example may be, I want to increase my marketing by posting on Facebook every weekday for the next 90 days.

This level of clarity eliminates guesswork and gives a definite direction on what you and the team need to work on.

M is for “Measurable”

A SMART Operations goal that is Measurable means that there is something about it that can actually be measured, and it’s not just a subjecting understanding that “yeah, I made more sales”. It needs to have some property to it that you are able to count in order to prove its success or gauge progress.

Example of a goal that isn’t measurable. “Gain more customer feedback to improve our service.” This is vague and there isn’t anything specifically measurable about it.

Example of a measurable goal: I will ask 100 clients for feedback and receive 50% back. This is definitely measurable (in terms of sending 100 clients for feedback, and the word required to get at least 50% back)

A is for “Achievable

I always find the “Achievable” goals the hardest for me to be realistic about. You always want to set goals that push you to success, but are not so high as to discourage you from doing the work. (We only have so many hours in the day, after all, and self-care and time with family and friends are important).

I’m sure we’d all love to double our business in 90 days, but would that actually be achievable in the time you or your team have? Would it make more sense to have that goal for a year, and identify some projects or smaller types of goals that are achievable that will get you there?

Example: I will increase social media interaction by 15% in the next 90 days.

Bad example: I will double my social media following in the next 30 days.

R is for “Relevant”

The “R” always makes me laugh a little bit, because it basically is using common sense when establishing your goals. Making something relevant means making sure it is actually in line with your business values and your future vision. This is where Business and Strategic Objectives really come into play.

As someone who has worked with many clients on their strategic objectives, I know first-hand how they can really provide the roadmap for business owners to get unstuck and drive their business forward.

If a business has a business objective to improve student learning outcomes, they may create a goal that includes “introducing interactive e-learning modules for challenging subjects, aiming to improve class average scores by 8%.

T is for “Time-Bound”

Lastly, the “T” stands for Time-bound. In short, this just means that the goal should have some sort of time frame that it should be achieved by. Otherwise, it’s a goal out there just hanging there waiting, with no sense of urgency on taking the steps to get there.

Time is also one of the project management rules for creating tasks and projects. There should never be a project or a task that doesn’t have a date tied to it. Otherwise, it’s just an idea, not an actual task.

🍁 (For more on project management, check out this blog post .) 🍁

Sometimes Deadlines can be intimidating, but they are necessary to instill a sense of urgency and motivate motion and movement where there may otherwise be none. If we know we need to get up early to catch an early flight, we will definitely be setting our alarms to get up then.

An example of a good SMART goal for Time-bound would be “I want to write a 1000-word blog post every week for the next 3 months”. 🙂

Challenge Accepted!

SMART Operations goal examples

So, now that you have been familiarized (or re-acquainted) with what smart goals are, why don’t we supply you with a bunch of possibilities that may be applicable to your business?

I have separated them into the 7 strategic objectives that I cover in my Strategic Objective Mapping VIP Day (Called Simple Path to Success) to help get you started. If you are interested, check out the first step to get qualified HERE.

Check them out and figure out which parts are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevent and Time-bound. (Practice makes perfect!)

How many of these have sparked your ideas on what to focus on for the next Quarter?

Need help? Would love you to check out my Simplify and Conquer 90-minute intensive to help figure out the NEXT best steps to take on your business ownership journey from a certified Director of Operations and Project/Data Management specialist.

Person reaching for a star, or a Goal

SMART Sales Goals:

  • Increase the quarterly sales volume of our premium product line by 15% over the next three months by expanding our sales team and introducing targeted promotions
  • Sell 3 VIP service days a month for the next 3 months by increasing networking and marketing efforts
  • Boost cross-selling rates by 10% in the next quarter by training the sales team in our product ecosystem and offering bundled promotions for complementary products.

SMART Visibility Goals

  • Boost our monthly website traffic from organic search by 25% over the next six months by implementing a content-focused SEO strategy.
  • Achieve a consistent 10% monthly growth rate in our Instagram followers over the next quarter by posting daily, hosting bi-weekly live sessions, and partnering with brands complementary to ours for giveaways.
  • Boost our email open rate to 25% and click-through rate to 5% over the next three months by segmenting our email list and introducing personalized content based on user behavior.

SMART Operations Goals

  • Decrease product return rates by 8% in the next year by enhancing quality control measures and providing clearer product descriptions.
  • Decrease average service delivery time by 10% over the next quarter by optimizing team workflows and investing in advanced project management tools.
  • Shorten the client onboarding process by 3 days within the next 6 months by implementing a streamlined digital intake system and assigning dedicated onboarding specialists.

SMART Team Goals

  • Achieve a 90% employee retention rate over the next fiscal year by introducing a team reward system and employee engagement program.
  • Boost team productivity by 15% over the next quarter by implementing a new project management tool and providing time management training sessions.
  • Improve inter-departmental collaboration by launching bi-weekly cross-functional team meetings and achieving a 20% reduction in project miscommunications over the next 6 months.

SMART Financial Goals

  • We will increase our profit by 100% by increasing the process of our services and performing more of them every month
  • Decrease the average client acquisition cost by 10% over the next quarter by optimizing our digital marketing campaigns and enhancing the referral program.
  • Increase quarterly revenue by 12% over the next year by upselling additional services to existing clients and expanding our service offerings into two new regional markets.

Person reaching the summit of a mountain

SMART Client Experience Goals

  • We will decrease client turnover by 50% by redoing our onboarding process and clarifying all expectations and policies prior to working with them.
  • Achieve a 95% client satisfaction rate by year-end through introducing bi-monthly feedback sessions and implementing a client-centric training program for our service teams.
  • Integrate client feedback into our service offerings by implementing at least three major suggestions from our quarterly feedback surveys over the next 6 months.

SMART Product Creation Goals

  • Will create a pre-work product that will allow us to sell a smaller service upfront, still earn $$ while creating proposals, and allow the client to get to know us.
  • Will redevelop our beginner course to be a 2-month instead of a 3-month course, including a one-on-one session and weekly touch-bases by Dec 31 so it can launch in Q1.
  • Integrate our new scheduling tool into all of our consulting packages in the next 2 months, aiming to improve client booking efficiency by 25%.

Being SMART about it all

Navigating the world of business, especially in service-based industries, can be overwhelming. Especially when you have other aspects of your life that keep you from putting in the hours that you feel like you need to in your job. Central to this chaotic puzzle is the art of setting solid, actionable goals. The SMART formula comes into play, helping us carve out simple, clear, realistic, and, most importantly, achievable targets.

But, setting these goals is just one side of the coin. Keeping the momentum and passion alive is the other. The creation of simple habits, like breaking tasks down or celebrating small wins can make a huge difference. Enjoy the journey, not just the finish line.

By blending the clarity of SMART goals with the right motivational techniques, any business, big or small, is better equipped to ride the waves of challenges and triumphs, making the journey both productive and fulfilling.

Tools to help you set up your Goals


If you appreciate having a tool to streamline your goal-setting process, our Airtable Goal Planner template might be just what you’re looking for. It offers a simple way to lay out, monitor, and reach your business aspirations. Explore the Airtable template here.

This is a really good way to find out more about Airtable as well!

Looking to learn more? 

Check out these blogs:

Planning your life by priorities

Simple Task and Project Management

Organizational Values (Big Rocks)


Anas Signature

Maximizing Efficiency with SMART Operations Goals Read More »

CRM Organizeion image

Organize your CRM


Organize Your CRM: A Step-by-Step Guide

You know it’s time to organize your CRM. You know that CRM systems are vital, but HOW they are vital to you and your business, you are a bit fuzzy on the details. I was too, up until I started really diving into why and how I wanted my Customer Relationship Management tool to work for me. 

The main purpose of CRMs is to manage of customer data, increase productivity, and drive growth in your business.

 A CRM can become easily overwhelming and therefore completely ineffective. That’s why I wanted to dive a little deeper into how to organize your CRM. 

You will discover best way to go about organizing your CRM by familiarizing yourself with the functionality, segmenting and classifying your types of contacts, maintaining your organization and creating the habit of making your CRM a large part of your business.

Prepare to optimize your customer data management with our comprehensive guide on organizing your CRM!

Understanding your CRM and Its Importance

Effectively organizing customer data, a CRM system plays a significant role in managing customer relationships for small businesses. You can find out more in my last blog post about Choosing a CRM that works for you. Implementing your information and your CRM in the right way will help your small business achieve its sales and marketing goals.

From spreadsheets to email marketing, a good CRM system can provide a centralized hub for sales teams and reps to access client information, track leads, and manage pipelines. If you are going to grow your business outside of referrals from family and friends, having something to organize your information is …. inevitable.

You can start with a spreadsheet if there’s nothing else available, but you would be surprised at the number of inexpensive yet effective CRM systems out there (Namely my own and my colleague’s Notion template!) 

Start to organize by familiarize yourself with your CRM

The first step to organizing your CRM for your business is to play with it and figure out how it works. Most CRMs that have a monthly charge have free trial periods to test out their product, and there are many “training” videos out there that can give you a good flavor for the CRMs you are considering. Explore all of its features and functionalities making a list of the aspects that capture your attention. Read the periodic emails the CRMs send out and engage with the community to learn best practices and tips from other users. Additionally, make time to analyze your data so you can really put your CRM data to work in your business strategy—and knock it out of the park when it comes to hitting your business goals.

When I start to use a new tool, the first thing I do is click every part of the tool that I can to figure out where things are and ask myself questions:

  1. Can I find my way around it easily?
  2. Does it offer the MAIN features I need in a CRM tool?
  3. Does it have an easily accessible database and reporting function?
  4. Does it integrate with other tools or with Zapier/Make?

Organize your CRM checklist

Organize your CRM by segmentation: Contacts, Organizations, Pipelines, and Stages

The second aspect to organizing your CRM is Segmentation. Segmenting your CRM is the best way to effectively categorize and track contacts. By updating data for organizations within your CRM, you can efficiently manage relationships with different entities.

Setting up pipelines in your CRM facilitates the tracking of sales processes while designing stages provides clarity on the progress of customer interactions. Proper segmentation not only improves data organization and accessibility but also saves you time and effort. Which is the whole point… isn’t it?

Organizing your CRM by Defining and Managing Contacts

When it comes to organizing your CRM, defining and managing contacts is pretty much the most important step.

Collecting essential contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses in your CRM allows for easy access and communication. Make use of data fields and custom fields within the CRM system to store relevant details about each contact, ensuring that all the necessary information is easily accessible and CORRECT.

Knowing who you are talking to, and what their position is in a company gives you a lot of information and detail to CLOSE the sale and make sure you are spending time with the decision-making people… not just their assistant… unless they have the power to purchase what it is your are selling. 🙂

Interactions that you have with these contacts need to be tracked as well, make sure it is something you either can maintain, or easily add. Sometimes there are CRMs that automatically add transactions if they are emailed through, but it needs to be from a specific email address set up to integrate. Make sure you know what the boundaries are for things like this. Sometimes it is better practice to get in the habit of recording transactions than relying solely on automation.

Defining and managing CRM information

Categorizing and Tracking Organizations

You also should track Organizations. Yes… organizations and contacts ARE different. They can be related to each other, but the organization is a separate entity from the contact. I recommend creating separate categories or tags for different types of organizations in your CRM. This way you can see the types of organizations that you are attracting, as well as those that seem to need your services more.

You can then track documents (Proposals, pricing sheets, contracts) related to each organization.

Also important are social media profiles and website links. Noting beats having all of the pertinent information in one place and easily accessible.

Some CRM systems allow you to assign team members responsible for managing relationships with specific organizations. This may be for larger organizations, but something to also think about when planning for your company’s growth.

Setting Up and Streamlining Pipelines to better organize your CRM

So… now we are getting down to the nitty-gritty. Setting up Pipelines. (Check out this explanation if you are fuzzy on what a Pipeline is in relation to a CRM).

To effectively set up and streamline pipelines in your CRM, it’s definitely important to define the stages of your sales process. This is where I typically have fun by mapping out the “process” of sales with my clients and figuring out what the pipelines (and stages) are by their typical activities.

I like to relate Pipelines to parts of my marketing process to see where my leads are coming from. Facebook page, attended a webinar, downloaded a freebie… as examples

What is your Sales Process?

This also helps define the timeline of each prospect into your lead funnel which BOOM helps you figure out what your future workload will be (and also how much moolah you may be bringing in, and who doesn’t love that?).

Additionally, using a CRM to generate visual representations of your pipeline’s performance helps in identifying areas that need improvement. Data analysis anyone?

But let’s chat about that later….

Designing and Navigating Through Stages

So now that you have your Pipeline figured out, it’s time to clearly define what happens that moves a deal (or a potential sale) from one stage to another. Stages and Pipelines can be a little confusing when dealt with together, but I think of a Stage as a part of the Sales process that boosts the individual along to a particular kind of sale.

Example: A pipeline may be a specific service you offer, like a 1-hour coaching call. The client downloads your freebie, signs up for a webinar, and then decided they want to work with you 1:1.

A stage may be a “fit” call to see if you would work well together, then a proposal, then an acceptance of the proposal.

Sometimes the works Pipeline and Stage can be synonymous, just make sure you know how you are organizing your leads and opportunities. (More information can be found here from a respected CRM blog)

Most CRM dashboards allow for an overview of deals in different stages, while notifications and reminders help to stay updated on any stage changes when they happen.

What stages do your opportunities go through to work with you?

Organize your CRM Stages

How to Keep Your CRM Clean and Organized.

Organizing your CRM

Regularly analyzing and maintaining your CRM data is crucial for its accuracy.

You can’t make good decisions based on bad data. You can in fact make BAD decisions. (or as my son would say “sus” decisions)

This is why I encourage making a habit of cleaning out your CRM… daily at first if at all possible.

Making a habit of making sure the information is clean and up-to-date is the key to making the tech work for you.

Make time to analyze your data.

In order to get the most out of your CRM, it is important to set aside time for analyzing the information.

Consistently reviewing the analytics of your CRM allows you to acquire a deeper understanding of customer behavior, which in turn assists you in making well-informed business decisions.

Start to identify trends and patterns within your data, so that you can optimize your marketing and sales campaigns for better outcomes. (To find out more about what and how to analyze CRM data, I have found this article quite helpful)

Furthermore, analyzing customer data enables you to identify more ways to sell, and perhaps who the types of products and services your customers are interested in. More services = more $$ and happier clients.

CRM analytics can also offer a means to measure the effectiveness of your customer service efforts, especially if you also track your client engagement after their initial purchases.

By devoting time to analyze your data, you can harness its power to propel your business forward.

Managing Duplicates and correcting “bad” data through your workflows

Some of the most common issues within any database, let alone a CRM, are duplicate entries or inaccurate connections.

The best course of action is to correct or train your team to correct these as they see them. That way the issues are not issues anymore. However, if that isn’t something that will happen right away, there are plenty of tools and features offered by your CRM systems to efficiently merge or delete duplicate records. Even in the CRM I created within Airtable as it’s platform, there are ways to identify and merge together duplicates.

If you are finding there is a bunch of “bad data” within your CRM, start a project to identify and rectify the inaccuracies. These could be outdated entries or individuals who are no longer with a company that you have worked with. Sometimes the issues will stand out to you, other times they will not. A little research on the older entries may be helpful (I have found LinkedIn can be helpful for this).

Also, establishing guidelines for data entry can also help reduce the occurrence of duplicates (like searching for an email address prior to adding an individual to the system.) Make it a point to regularly train and educate your team members on how to effectively manage duplicates in the CRM system, whether it be as it happens, or if you go through the tool once a month for “clean-up duty”. By creating searchable fields in your CRM, you can make your data even more accessible and spend less time sifting through information. This allows you to focus more on working leads through your pipeline.

Manage duplicates in your CRMs

Make organizing your CRM part of your routine.

Time to make it routine, and incorporate management tasks into your or your team’s schedule.

Set reminders and notifications to prompt regular updates and keep your data up to date.

Make CRM usage a priority for yourself and your team!


So, in a nutshell, organizing your CRM is essential for effective customer data management and streamlined business processes.

it’s not difficult to do, but it does take some time and habit formation.

  1. Familiarize yourself with your CRM and its functionalities
  2. Define the data that makes up your contacts, organizations, pipelines and stages
  3. Once set up, create a system that will keep your CRM clean and organized.

Investing in a customized CRM can be worth it, as it allows for tailored solutions that cater to your specific business needs. Take control of your CRM organization and experience improved efficiency and productivity in your business operations.

What are some other common questions when it comes to CRMs?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Common Challenges in CRM Organization and How to Overcome Them?

One way to address the common obstacles faced by CRM organizations is to adopt data validation and de-duplication procedures. Conducting regular audits and cleansing of data helps maintain its accuracy. Simplifying the processes for collecting data can reduce the chances of important customer information being overlooked. Integrating CRM with other business tools and systems enables smooth transfer of data. Additionally, automating data collection and entry for your team can minimize human error and ensure the cleanliness of your data.

How does CRM Software Aid in Better Customer Data Management?

CRM software plays a crucial role in improving customer data management. It centralizes customer information, automates data entry and updates, enables efficient segmentation for personalized outreach, tracks customer interactions, and facilitates effective customer service through historical data.

Is Investing in a Customized CRM Worth It?

Investing in a customized CRM can greatly benefit your business. By aligning the CRM with your specific needs and workflows, it increases productivity and efficiency. Personalized experiences and targeted communications improve customer relationships. Custom access controls enhance data security. Leveraging the full potential of a customized CRM drives business growth.

Looking to learn more? 

Check out these blogs:

How to choose a CRM that works for you

Business Documents Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Simple Task and Project Management


Organize your CRM Read More »

How to choose a CRM that works for you

What CRM Should I Use?


The right CRM can make or break your business. It’s not just about collecting data, it’s about understanding what that data means and how you can use it to drive sales and improve customer service.

When you start your business, the first thing you need to do is figure out a way to accept money from your clients. The second things to do is organize all of the information that you will be creating, sifting through, and understanding in order to actually have the business run well.

I will explore the importance of a personalized CRM, the essential features of a good CRM, and common pitfalls to avoid when choosing a CRM, and take a deep dive into a self-made CRM based on a popular database tool, Airtable.

We’ll take you through Airtable’s key features, seamless integration potential, simplicity, interactivity, and customization abilities that set it apart from other tools out there. We’ll also compare Airtable with Notion for customizing your CRM database.

Lastly, we’ll share some tips on how to effectively use your Airtable CRM and overcome potential roadblocks. Read on to learn why Airtable is the perfect solution for businesses looking for a powerful yet flexible CRM platform.

What CRM is best for me? Airtable

To effectively manage my business, I need comprehensive knowledge of my pipeline, including buying preferences and interactions. Airtable is a customizable platform that combines the convenience of a spreadsheet with the robustness of a database. It integrates seamlessly with other tools, making it an adaptable choice for CRM.

Understanding CRM and Its Importance in business

As a quick review, CRM, short for customer relationship management, is an essential tool for businesses in managing customer relationships and improving sales.

CRM’s help businesses effectively track and analyze customer interactions, enabling them to provide better customer service. This is something we could all work on in today’s client-centric world.

Additionally, CRM helps streamline the sales process, improving efficiency and productivity.

With a CRM, businesses can make data-driven decisions based on customer data analysis.

Implementing a CRM system, such as Airtable, can lead to increased revenue and business growth.

The CRM I have created in Airtable is a power platform that offers various features and functionalities that allow businesses to manage contact information, track sales information, and even collaborate with teams. I wholeheartedly believe Airtable’s integration potential, simplicity, and interactivity make it a good choice for businesses looking for a reliable but flexible CRM solution.

Why you may need a personalized CRM

One advantage of a customized CRM is that it allows businesses to customize fields and workflows based on their specific needs. By creating their own templates and layouts and even automation, businesses can easily manage their data. This flexibility allows for seamless adaptation to changing business needs.

With a customized CRM (based on a generalized template), businesses can capture and track the precise information they need, from contact details like phone numbers and email addresses to sales team and support team interactions.

Whether it’s integrating with popular tools like Microsoft and Slack or capturing contact information from social media, a personalized CRM enables businesses to align their system with their unique sales processes.

Essential Features of a Good CRM

Of course, a customized CRM won’t help you by itself… You need to understand what a CRM should contain at its core to make sure you are covering the bare necessities. (If you are singing to yourself right now, you are my kind of person).

A good CRM provides the following:

Contact management capabilities for storing and managing customer information efficiently.

Workflow automation is an essential feature that saves time and improves productivity by automating repetitive tasks.

Integration with other apps and platforms, such as email and project management tools, enhances efficiency and streamlines workflows.

Customization options enable businesses to tailor the CRM to their specific needs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.

Reporting and analytics features provide valuable insights for decision-making and strategy, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions.

By incorporating these essential features, a good CRM empowers businesses to effectively manage customer relationships and drive growth.


A Look at Popular CRM Platforms

When it comes to popular CRM platforms, there are quite a few that have been advertised in recent years. This article goes through some of the top advertised and used CRM’s in our industries and may be worth a look if you are on the search for one.

Some of the ones you have heard of may include:

Salesforce stands out for its robust features and scalability, it is possibly the most “stacked” CRM available today.

On the beginner’s side, Google Sheets offers a straightforward and free option for basic CRM needs

Even a project management tool like Trello, or ClickUp, can be adapted for CRM purposes.

Even Mailchimp, known primarily as an email marketing platform, also offers basic CRM capabilities.

Some other well-known CRMs include Dubsado and Honeybook, which include automation and pretty form capabilities.

These platforms provide various solutions for businesses of all sizes, allowing them to manage customer relationships effectively.

Limitations of Popular CRM Platforms

So while the previously mentioned CRM’s may be popular, there are some limitations to be aware of. Salesforce is robust but is usually too complex and expensive for small businesses or startups.

Google Sheets lacks advanced CRM functionality and scalability.

Project Management or Mailing tools have limited CRM capabilities compared to dedicated platforms.

Dubsado and Honeybook doesn’t integrate well with other database tools, making comprehensive data analysis difficult.

So while niche CRMs offer specialized features but lack the flexibility of general CRM platforms. Businesses using niche CRMs may face challenges when their requirements evolve or expand, and integration with other systems may be limited, leading to clunky workflows and inaccurate information.

Introduction to Airtable as a CRM

I’ve realized over the last three years of working in small businesses that Airtable, a versatile information management software, can also be used as a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) solution.

With Airtable, businesses have the flexibility to create their own custom CRM databases in a highly customizable workspace.

Easy visualization and management of sales pipelines can be seen in the Kanban view yet still be able to see an entire list of all recent leads with the grid view, all using the same information.

Additionally and even more importantly, Airtable seamlessly integrates with other apps and tools, providing a seamless flow of information.

Its internal automation can pull in information from separate databases, allowing the information to be entered once but used and analyzed in multiple different places. For example, you are able to look at a contacts information, see the company they are from as well as all interactions the company has had with your sales team, in one place.

Equally as important, it’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible to users with varying technical skills.

By leveraging Airtable as a CRM, businesses can efficiently manage their contacts, track sales activities, and streamline their follow-ups in a simple and effective manner.

While many free templates are available for Airtable, there are also some more well-thought out airtable templates for just this use-case.

My Airtable CRM contains an easy-to-navigate table of contents page, that connects to separate tabs of Opportunities, Organizations, and Contacts.

Additionally, there are easy-to-fill-in forms to help enter in data and information, as well as ways to integrate information from other data sources (lead capture forms, schedulers and similar lead-entry points).

You are also able to send emails directly from Airtable to a potential client with a click of a box and using previously created templates of emails and add your own.

Collaboration features enable seamless teamwork, allowing sales teams to work together on activities. Additionally, Airtable’s integration with other apps through platforms like Zapier enhances its functionality, enabling businesses to centralize their data and streamline their workflows.

The Simplicity and Interactivity of Airtable

Possibly the best feature of Airtable is that it offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies data management.

While I may be a bit of a data nerd, loving the spiderweb of connections that data points have with other tables, I know I am not in the norm. With Airtable’s drag-and-drop functionality, organizing and arranging data becomes effortless, and dare I say it… FUN. Collaborating with team members in real-time is seamless, enhancing productivity. Anything that makes me more productive and is fun is a winner

Its simplicity and interactivity make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to streamline their CRM processes.

Why Choose Airtable Over Other CRMs?

We believe Airtable stands out among other CRMs for several reasons.

It offers a flexible pricing structure, including a free plan and affordable paid options. You are also able to share views of Airtable without giving full access and therefore having to pay for more users.

With Airtable, businesses have complete control over their workspace, allowing for customization and scalability.

Airtable, as a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, offers seamless integration with various apps and tools. It enables you to integrate with other popular software, including it’s own interface views, allowing for a unified and streamlined experience.

Additionally, Airtable’s integration with Zapier makes it easy to sync data with other platforms, enhancing your workflow efficiency. Furthermore, you can integrate Airtable with email services enabling you to consolidate your contact information and manage follow-ups effectively. The flexibility of Airtable’s API also allows for smooth integration with other systems, giving you the freedom to tailor your CRM to your specific needs.

In a day and age where everyone is looking for the 1 tool that “does it all”, it’s much more likely to find a tool that “connects them all” and that is Airtable.

Effective Use of an Airtable CRM template

To make Airtable a super-effective CRM, I have taken a deep dive into how small businesses use CRM’s and figured out how to simplify all the “bells and whistles” into one streamlined platform. I have taken advantage of Airtable’s wide range of field types for comprehensive data capture, ensuring that anyone who uses the template can capture all relevant information such as phone numbers, email addresses, and contact details. I have created a well-structured sales pipeline within Airtable to efficiently track and manage leads

While a customizable tool may sometimes have some roadblocks, or complexities that other tools may not have, the freedom to create what you actually NEED and not force you into the CRM shape-hole they provide is worth the learning curve. And there is always an Airtable support to help you with your questions.

Airtable vs Notion for a custom CRM database

Another simple yet effective tool for CRM’s would be the note-taking application Notion. In recent years, Notion has built up it’s database features, making it a great contender with Airtable for building database-backed applicawtions.

When comparing Airtable and Notion for a custom CRM database specifically, it is important to understand the key features and functionalities of both platforms.

Airtable offers a robust spreadsheet-like interface that is highly customizable for managing customer relationship management (CRM) data.

On the other hand, Notion provides a versatile task management system with a rich set of tools for organizing and collaborating on projects.

Evaluating the ease of use and user interface of both Airtable and Notion is crucial in determining which platform best suits your CRM needs.

In the end…

When choosing a CRM, it is crucial to consider your specific needs and requirements. Airtable stands out as a powerful CRM platform that offers a range of features and benefits for businesses of all sizes. With its seamless integration potential, simplicity, and interactivity, Airtable provides a personalized and efficient CRM solution. Whether you are looking for a custom CRM database or need to overcome potential roadblocks, Airtable can effectively meet your CRM needs. But at the end of the day, the software that is best, is the one you will USE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.How easy is it to migrate data from my current system to a new CRM?
Migration ease varies between CRMs. Some provide tools and support for easy migration, while others might be more complex. Before committing, inquire about migration support, especially if you have a lot of data.

Q.How does mobile access impact CRM effectiveness? 
Mobile access can be essential for businesses with on-the-go sales teams or those who need real-time data access from various locations. Ensure that the CRM offers a robust mobile app or mobile-responsive platform if this is crucial for your operations.

Q.How do I ensure the security of my data in a CRM?
Check for encryption, data backup, GDPR compliance, and other security protocols. Some CRMs may also offer two-factor authentication and role-based access for additional security.

Looking to learn more?

Check out these blogs: 

Business Documents that every Entreprenuer should have

Simple Task and Project Management

Essentials of Business communication


How to choose a CRM that works for you Read More »

Mastering Client Communication: Tips for Success

As a business owner, you know that effective client communication is key to success and shows professionalism. But what exactly does it mean to communicate effectively with your clients?

In this blog, we will delve into the ins and outs of client communication and explore why it is so important for your business. From building rapport and transparency to understanding timelines and needs, we will cover all the essential aspects of effective client communication. Additionally, we will provide you with five best practices that you can implement right away to improve your client communication skills.

We will also discuss how to choose the right communication tools for your business and highlight common mistakes to avoid. Get ready to master client communication and take your business to new heights!

What is effective client communication?


Effective client communication is all about listening well and sharing clear, easy-to-understand messages. It’s about checking in often and sharing updates to keep your clients in the loop. Building trust with honesty and openness is really important too.

To communicate effectively, you also need to pay special attention to your client’s needs and try to answer their questions before they even ask them. It’s about being clear about what each party should expect from each other and treating each other with respect.

Simply put, effective client communication is a vital part of building strong, successful relationships with your clients. It helps everyone work together better and can lead to long-lasting business partnerships with a personal touch.

Why is client communication important?


Good client communication is like the glue that holds everything together. It builds trust and helps create strong relationships. By clearly explaining your services, costs, and what you expect, you can avoid confusion and disagreements down the line.

Not communicating well can hurt your business. It can give you a bad reputation and you could lose out on business opportunities. But when you communicate well, you show your clients that there are real, caring people behind your brand. It also helps you to stand out as an expert in your field

How good communication builds rapport with clients?


Making strong connections with your clients is key to building rapport and establishing trust with your clients.

This is the heart of great client communication. Keep the lines of communication open, honest, and understanding. This can take your client relationships to the next level. Think of ways that you can do that within your team by exemplifying this for them.

Listen carefully and approach every situation with curiosity. Show your clients you care. This can help you connect on a deeper level with them. In the case of verbal communication, make sure you let them know you are listening by not interrupting, pausing after they speak before you speak, and repeating a bit back about what they’ve said.

Always use simple, clear language and a pleasant tone of voice. There is nothing more aggravating to someone than acronyms or big words that may be somewhat ambiguous to your clients. This will ensure everyone understands each other and helps to prevent misunderstandings throughout your work with them.

Regularly updating your clients is important too. Making sure they don’t have to chase after you for an answer, or to know where their project is, is always a benefit. They will remember how easy you were to work with and be forgiving when things happen that may cause delays.

Otherwise, always make sure you’re meeting their needs. Strong client relationships don’t just bring satisfaction. They can also lead to recommendations and long-term success for your business.

Transparency in communication

Being open and honest is a big part of good client communication. Sometimes it feels more difficult to do this, especially if there are issues within the work you are doing, but the only way to solve these issues is to bring them to light. That is a good thing.

When you’re open and honest, it shows you’re professional. It builds trust with your clients. If this is something you may find difficult, or don’t quite know how to emphasize, the following tips may help.

  • Talk with clients in a clear and straightforward way. Don’t hide meanings or be ambiguous. Say what you mean clearly and directly. Avoiding any confusion or hidden meanings is key.
  • Manage expectations and avoid confusion. Give regular updates to make sure everyone knows what’s going on. This is how you keep communication clear and open.
  • Ask for Feedback: Encourage clients to share their thoughts and concerns. This helps keep communication open and can provide valuable insight into how you can improve your services.
  • Admit Mistakes: If something goes wrong, admit it. Apologize and explain how you plan to fix it. From the client’s perspective, it shows you’re accountable and committed to making things right.
  • Respond to requests in a timely manner. It’s okay if you can’t get back to clients immediately, but let them know that you will review all messages at the end of the day and will respond the next morning or something of that nature.

Doing this can help you build strong, lasting relationships with clients. It can also stop small problems from turning into big arguments.

To put it simply, being clear and open in your communication can bring better results and long-term success.


Understanding the client’s timeline and needs


Understanding your client’s needs and timeline is a key factor in ensuring effective client communication.

One of the first things I do when working with a client is ask about what they have going on in their business, what are their goals… what are they trying to achieve in the near and far term. Understanding this context will help you understand why they need your help (in whatever it is you are helping them with) and why it is important to them.

Listening closely to what they say and asking questions can give you a good idea of what they’re hoping to achieve as well. This information helps you tailor your services to fit their specific needs.

In regards to the timeline for the project, it is important to always communicate any changes that happen in this timeline as quickly as possible to the client. Many times this may be caused by the client themselves, but they will show much appreciation and trust in you if that is brought to their attention early and often.

Lastly, be open to feedback and be ready to make changes if needed. This shows you’re professional and committed to making your clients happy. This doesn’t mean spin on a dime if they ask, it means you can be flexible to accommodate “realistic” changes.

How to avoid jargon and provide clarity in client communication


Clear and to-the-point communication can’t be overstated. It’s a big part of building strong relationships with your clients and making sure they’re happy. When you use business jargon or slang it can be confusing and ambiguous as we mentioned above.

Be open to any potential problems or delays. (see my comment about client timelines!)

Use visuals, like flowcharts or data visualization for complicated information. This is a better way to help clients understand numbers or metrics especially if your deliverables depend on them.

Regularly check in with your clients and give updates. This shows you’re committed to being open and professional and avoiding any miscommunication when possible.

Following these steps can bring better results, help you build a good relationship with your clients, and avoid any misunderstandings.

The role of self-awareness and empathy in client communication


Good client communication is important in building strong relationships and making clients happy. Self-awareness plays a big part in this.

Knowing how you communicate, including your strengths and areas to improve, is crucial. This can help you change your approach to fit each client’s needs better.

Use active listening and ask the right questions as a first step, always trying to see things from your client’s point of view. This shows you have mutual respect for the client and their point of view.

Communicate clearly and professionally. Be self-aware and avoid industry jargon or phrases that could confuse your client.

The way you speak and the methods you choose to communicate, like email or phone calls, can also make a big difference. Being self-aware here is key.

By being self-aware in your communication, you can respect each other better, avoid misunderstandings, and create long-lasting business relationships.

Best practices for effective client communication

Setting clear expectations

Your first few meetings with a client can be exciting, creating a new project is always fun, but it is also the best time to set clear expectations on when and how your company works on its projects.

This is when you A.) establish a clear line of communication by articulating project goals, timelines, and deliverables and B.) establish a communication cadence and communication methods with the client.

This builds trust and ensures transparency from the start.

Some create a “how we work” or “Welcome” packet for their client and go through it in their initial onboarding to make sure that days off are communicated, and any policies regarding how and when to ask questions or request updates. If you don’t have this yet, it may be something you should think about creating as your business grows.

Also, clarify when and how you will update them on progress regularly to ease any questions.

Using client feedback to improve communication

Client feedback is key to getting better at client communication. Make sure there are ways for your clients to share their thoughts, like check-ins or surveys. Listen to this feedback carefully to improve how you communicate. Also, give your clients regular updates on how you are improving your own communication to keep them involved. Using your client’s feedback can help you build stronger relationships and get better results over time.

Choosing the right communication tools for your business

Picking the right communication tools for your business is as important as communication itself.

Are you going to use Virtual Meetings? The Phone? Email?

It’s important to pick something that works for your clients, but it is also important to pick something that works well for you. I encourage you to pick something simple and streamlined and even give the clients quick training on it as part of their onboarding process.

Making sure your tools allow you to establish clarity (as in video chat) or progress (perhaps a dashboard from a project management tool) will make everyone’s job easier and more effective.

I am a personal fan of ClickUp and Airtable to share information with clients.

👉👉 Check out my YouTube on Communicating using ClickUp 👈👈


Remember, it’s all about making it seem EASY for the client to understand and be able to feel good about the relationship, so think about how that would best work for you and your team.

Effective client communication software and quick chats

Something we haven’t touched on is how Clients can send quick communications through chat-like interfaces (read, Slack/Google Messenger). Establishing a client communication tool like chat is important and real-time messaging enables instant conversations and timely responses and can lead to increased client satisfaction. HOWEVER, it can also lead a team to be very reactive and start spending all of their time “problem-solving” instead of working to complete a project.

If this is a method that you’d like to offer your clients, make sure you are clear on your response time, and how they should request changes or voice concerns. Nothing throws a business into disarray like an unhappy client who can’t quite tell you what it is they are upset about.

Common mistakes to avoid in client communication


In the realm of client communication, a crucial aspect of running a successful business is ensuring effective and professional interactions and a high level of customer service with your clients.

One of the most prevalent mistakes is poor listening skills. Make sure you are treating them the way you’d like to be treated and don’t assume you understand what they are speaking about until you have the full context, even if it is a difficult conversation.

Not utilizing clear and concise language is also a mistake. Avoid jargon and acronyms that might only confuse your clients. Using simple words and providing relevant information, you can ensure that your messages resonate.

Another mistake to steer clear of is overpromising and under-delivering. Setting realistic expectations and delivering on them are integral to cultivating this trust, paving the way for long-term success. Additionally, diligently following up with clients proves your commitment to their satisfaction and is the best way to show that you value their business. Furthermore, actively seeking feedback is a surefire way to demonstrate your dedication to improvement and meet the evolving needs of your clients.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the key to effective communication with clients?

Active listening is crucial for effective communication with clients. Understand their needs by asking open-ended questions. Use clear language, avoid jargon, and provide regular updates. Be responsive and timely in all forms of communication.

Why is communication in project management important?

Effective communication is essential in project management to ensure alignment among team members. It helps prevent misunderstandings and delays, while frequent updates and progress reports build client trust. Open communication channels facilitate feedback and allow for timely adjustments throughout the project.

Is it necessary to have all of these tools in order to be an effective communicator?

No, it’s not essential to possess all the mentioned tools to be an effective communicator. Understanding your client’s requirements and preferences is crucial. Select the tools that suit both you and your clients, such as email, phone calls, or video conferencing. Consistency and clarity in communication matter more than having the latest tools.


Mastering Client Communication: Tips for Success Read More »

Mastering Team Communication: Key Strategies for Small Businesses

Mastering Team Communication: Key Strategies for Small Businesses


“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” – Nat Turner


This quote is especially true when considering the communication within your team in your business.

Communication between team members, whether it be from employee to manager, CEO to team or team member to team member is like a bridge between two people, and the only way to make sure that the message doesn’t fall through the cracks is to make sure your messages are communicated on a well-constructed system.

Does your communication bridge look like this?

or this?

It is a competitive world for small businesses today, and it can be difficult to manage a team and be able to instruct, and communicate with them in a way the makes their role, their jobs, and your expectations of them clear.

Let’s explore the significance of effective team communication while providing insights and tools tailored for neurodivergent, women-owned businesses to boost collaboration, maximize productivity, and embrace their unique strengths.

Your team is your most important asset, Now is the time to help conquer communication challenges within your team. This this article will help you learn how to establish the habits and systems to create the clarity in communication across the board.

You stoked? Me too, let’s get started.

The Power Couple: Tone and Clarity in Communication


Having a perfect combo of tone and clarity in your messages does more than just boost communication – it’s the helps create an unstoppable and empowered team. It sets the stage for everyone to feel heard, valued, and inspired to share their ideas.

Let’s discuss each piece of this and how they work together in team communication.

What is tone? Why does it matter so much? Tone tells the underlying story or context of what you are trying to relay.



Refers to the attitude and emotions you convey in your message. It’s the subtext, the feel of what you say or write, and it comes to life through your choice of words, expressions, and even punctuation. In communication, the tone can make or break relationships, trust and collaboration.

Have you ever received an email that starts with…. “Per my last message”

You can tell right away that the tone of the message is irritated and a bit passive aggressive.

If the email starts with something more along the lines of, “Hey! I’m sorry my last message wasn’t clear enough. What I meant was ……”

A few extra words conveys that you aren’t angry, but still pointing out that you answered the question but may have not been a way that the person understood.

Both messages convey the same information, but the tone sets a different atmosphere for the recipient.



Equally important, if not more so, is the clarity of the message. It doesn’t matter if you spend 30 minutes structuring an email, if the information isn’t clear to the reader, then it’s not going to have its intended effect. When your message is crystal clear, there’s less room for misinterpretation, which ultimately leads to better collaboration and productivity.

“Great, I get it Ana, but I ALWAYS think my message is clear… at least to me. How can I make sure it’s clear to others?”

Well I’m glad you asked! How do you make sure your message is clear? Let’s see the following list for some pointers on how to make sure your messages are well-rounded, hit all the main points and doesn’t leave any pertinent information out.

Structure it: Organize your message in a logical and coherent manner. Start with a clear purpose, followed by supporting details and a concise conclusion. (Bonus point! create a template to create all of your messages from this! << insert message template here >>

Be specific: Use concrete, straightforward language. Provide examples and details that leave no room for doubt instead of vague statements and industry jargon. Write for an 8th grader!

Keep it concise: Say what you need to say in as few words as possible. Sometimes being too wordy can muddle your message and obscure the points you’re trying to make.

Ask for feedback: Checking your team’s understanding of your message can catch any potential misinterpretations or confusion, and provide an opportunity for further clarification. This is especially good to go over in meetings to make sure everyone has a understanding of any decision or action items.

So, to put these two concepts together, your communication tone, clarity and ability to see any possible issues or perspectives is a message that will not only help your team communicate with each other, but your approach to them as well.

The following list is good to keep in mind.

  • Be approachable: A friendly and relatable tone encourages open dialogue and sets the right mood for magnificent brainstorming sessions.
  • Keep it clear: Concise, specific messages help avoid the “lost-in-translation” trap, ensuring your team stays in sync and runs like a well-oiled machine.
  • Embrace empathy: Your team is more than just a cog in your business machine. Show compassion, and it will not only elevate morale but also strengthen your team’s bond.

Placing emphasis on team communication is simple, but not necessarily easy.

Devote time and energy to improving your team’s communication, and you’ll see the wonders it does for your overall productivity.

  1. Determine communication methods. Always communication the same type of message the same way. (examples include: Project-based communication within the project. Personal communication within your messaging tool. Team-communication on an agenda and meeting.
  2. Keep messages brief
    • Hi XXX
    • State positive message or introductory sentence to the rest of the message
    • State question, comment or main point of the message. If it’s a longer message, use bullet points when possible.
    • Wrap up message with pleasant outgoing statement. Good to have a few of these on hand.
    • Salutation
    • Name

Online Communication Tools: Beyond the meeting


So now that we’ve got the basics down, we can start to look at the cool tech that can help us communicate better with our remote teams. Nowadays, remote teams are more and more common, thus making communication tools even more important than they ever were before.

In the small businesses I have been involved with, there are three key tools that always need to be present in order to ensure smooth communication. No, these don’t include email. (Actually, email should be the LAST way to communicate with your team.) You need a way to allow your team to understand your company goals and vision and always have access to it, as well as a way to see the projects and tasks they need to do as well as talk about them, and lastly a way to have quick conversations, cheer each other on, or celebrate as a team.

(I am going to purposely leave out Zoom or video meetings for now, as they could be an article on their own with all the tools and digital meeting decorum they require)

👉👉 Check out my YouTube on Communicating using ClickUp 👈👈


Understanding your business at a glance


There is so much information and history for every kind of business, as to who you are, how you serve your clients, what you do, it’s hard for anyone working with you to grasp it all at once.

This is why I recommend utilizing Airtable as a way to bring all of your company’s information together in one place.

  • Typically the first thing I create for clients that utilize airtable is Business Hub, or Executive Hub that houses everything the business employees or the CEO needs to know about the business and find at the drop of a hat. I’ve also heard this termed as a “wiki”. It’s basically a table of contents for things like Brand boards, Zoom Links, Services, Team details, Course notes.

The reason I prefer creating this in Airtable is because you have the ability to view the information ins multiple different ways, making it easy to understand from anyone’s perspective.

  • Without a doubt, a Task List, or Project Management tool should be a no-brainer when it comes to increasing better communication. My preferred tool for this is ClickUp. Although it claims that it is the one app to replace them all, it really is a show-stopper when it comes to project management and task communication.

I can’t express the importance of keeping project communication within the project, and not in separate emails or slack messages or gosh-forbid…. TEXT messages.

The more you want your business to grow and be self-sustainable, the more important this becomes, and although excel or google sheets can be a great starting place, being able to create projects, send emails from the projects, track hours, associate documents within a variety of ways is the right amount of functionality for businesses that aren’t ready for the ERP systems, but find Trello too limiting.

  • Last but not least is the way to send quick non-project-related messages, random questions, or ideas to the group. While ClickUp has a chat functionality, most of my clients prefer the quickness of Slack. I too am a fan, as long as I’m able to turn off the annoying “Click-click” sound effect every time someone messages!

I only warn that it doesn’t become a distraction to work, or in your home personal life.

So with three tools, you have a good amount of support to clarify and help.

In essence, tools like ClickUp and Airtable aren’t just the sprinkles on your donut.

They’re game-changers for boosting productivity, clarifying team requirements, and creating a group that doesn’t just finish tasks, but totally nails their goals. So, let’s step up our digital game and embrace the future.

The Power of Active Employee Contribution and Casual Interactions


Now let’s take a deeper dive into the world of communication statistics. Here we’ll highlight the instrumental role of employees in strengthening communication. We’ll also explore why venturing outside the cubicles and conference rooms for some team-bonding can work wonders.

First, let’s look at the role of each team member in the realm of communication:

  • Employees aren’t just “cogs in the communication machine”. Each one is a vital player, intertwining their unique perspectives to create a vibrant tapestry of ideas.
  • This level of engagement morphs the workplace into a dynamic hub of collaboration and innovation.
  • The floor should be open to all voices. Whether it’s an innovative idea, constructive feedback, or a concern, every contribution helps navigate the ship.
  • Active listening is our secret weapon. Communication isn’t just a one-way street, it’s a dual carriageway where speaking and listening play equally crucial roles.
  • Nurture a culture of transparency. When openness becomes our second nature, trust thrives, paving the way for robust and healthy communication.

Then there is the added benefit of socializing outside of work:

In the digital and remote age, it looks a little bit different than meeting with friends at a happy hour, but there are still remote ways you can enjoy each other’s company. The following are the benefits

  • Deeper Connections. Sharing a laugh over a cup of coffee (digital or otherwise) or on a Zoom call helps to build bonds that transcend work roles and responsibilities.
  • Socializing unveils various sides of our colleagues. Understanding these different facets fosters mutual respect and empathy, two linchpins of effective communication.
  • Fun gatherings are morale-boosters. Sharing excitement for non-work-related events can inspire and introduce a deeper level of commitment, paving the way for open and enthusiastic communication.

In a nutshell, employees are integral components in shaping communication, not just passive receivers. Keep the conversations flowing and make room for shared experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1: How can I get my team to communicate better with each other?

Nailing this is like acing a triple backflip! Fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue is key. Value every input, promote active listening, and provide constructive feedback. Empower your team with the right communication tools to keep everyone on the same page.

Q2: What are the 4 C’s of effective communication?

Ah, the fantastic four! They’re Clear, Concise, Coherent, and Complete. These ensure your message is understood and doesn’t resemble a riddle from an ancient prophecy. Keep your message clear and to the point, maintain a logical flow, and provide all necessary information. Now you’re talking!

Q3: What role does empathy play in effective business communication?

Empathy is like the secret sauce in your communication burger. It helps you understand team members’ perspectives and respond effectively. It’s about tuning into their frequency and acknowledging their feelings. Remember, a little empathy can turn a good communicator into a great one!

Q4: What are some common barriers to effective team communication and how to overcome them?

Just like hurdles in a race, these can slow you down but not stop you. Barriers could include unclear instructions, information overload, or technological hiccups. Overcoming these takes patience and strategy. Provide clear guidelines, don’t bombard your team with excess information, and ensure access to reliable communication tools. Let’s leap over those hurdles together!

In conclusion:


Empowering your team with effective communication is the secret sauce to boosting productivity and fostering a strong, collaborative work environment. So, harness these insights, step up your communication game, and watch as your business blossoms into a powerhouse of innovation and success.

Looking to learn more?


Check out these blogs: 

Business Documents that every Entreprenuer should have

Simple Task and Project Management

Top 5 ways to simplify your life

Mastering Team Communication: Key Strategies for Small Businesses Read More »

The Essentials of Business Communication

Essentials of Business Communication



What if I told you that the secret to a successful business isn’t just a great product or service, but how you approach business communication?

I have often stated that even if everyone is speaking the same language, no one really understands the same language.

Ever heard of the phrase, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it”? That holds true in business communication as well.

Effective business communication can build strong relationships with clients, improve team collaboration, and ultimately lead to higher profits. So, pay attention to how you communicate – be clear, concise, and empathetic. It can make all the difference in your business’s success. wondered why some businesses thrive while others struggle. The answer often lies in communication. Whether it be in messaging to potential clients, members of your own team, or the clients themselves, how, when, and where something is communicated is much more than a sentence.

I have spent years in different types of businesses, large and small, and the one thing they all struggled with was communication. It is a large part of why I am such a fan of project management tools and spreadsheets and the “facts” they can provide so efficiently. But the fact is that communication is much more than words written on a page.

Communication is so vital to pay attention to in your business because it drives collaboration, productivity, and overall success, not only for you but for your clients as well.

Today I am exploring the role of effective communication in business.

Key aspects such as clarity, active listening, empathy, and feedback are discussed as crucial components. Improved communication can enhance productivity, strengthen workplace relationships, and drive business success. By mastering these skills, we can transform chaos into clarity, making the business journey smoother, especially for neuro-spicy business owners.

I just had an instance yesterday with a client, where I was locked out of her bank account. I needed access to it because I am in charge of running payroll. In order to reset the password I had to use her debit-card number as proof that I was allowed access to the account.

I entered the card number multiple times, along with her password, birthdate, and a multitude of other numbers.

In frustration, I let her know about the problem (instead of just trying to keep it to myself) and asked if anything had changed that I should know about.

Lo and behold, she told me she received a new debit card a few days before.

Had I NOT reached out to her, had I not explained the issue regarding the types of info I was using to get her into the account there is no way that she could have known that the new debit card was needed to regain access.

Think of the hours I could have spent talking to representatives of the bank before they clued me into that.

This is SUCH a big subject, that I have decided to dedicate the next 3 blogs to talking about communication within our businesses, from understanding the styles of communication to getting your team all on the same page and finally how to use these newly found skills to serve your clients effectively.

There is so much to be said about this, and of course, I will be making videos of how to improve your communications with my favorite tools, ClickUp and Airtable… and maybe a few others along the way.

What is Business communication? Why Does It Matter?


Ever feel like you’re juggling a million tasks at once, trying to keep your business running smoothly while also attempting to maintain clarity in your business communications? You’re not alone. As a neuro-spicy business owner myself, the complexities of workplace communication can sometimes (nay… all the time) seem overwhelming.

So, let’s dive into the heart of what business communication actually is, and more importantly, why it matters so much in your business, (and also your life).

At its core, communication is the process of sharing information between people within and outside a company. It is how we express our ideas, convey decisions, give feedback, negotiate deals, and collaborate with our team and clients. It’s the emails you send, the meetings you hold, the presentations you deliver, the emails you send, and even the non-verbal cues you give out… yes, even on Zoom for you fully-remote peeps.

Now, you might be thinking, “Sure, I communicate every day. But how can I make it more effective?” First of all. Kudos for even THINKING about how your communication may be missing the mark on the effectiveness scale. So many business owners don’t evaluate the delivery of messaging, but rather on the receiving end.

Effective communication is made up of a few key pieces:

Clarity in your message:

Your message needs to be clear and concise to avoid misunderstandings. Remember, in communication, especially business communication, simplicity is your best friend.

You don’t need to tell your colleague the story about how your dog escaped from your yard and then your kids were late to school which meant you had to call the school and that is why you are 5 minutes late to the meeting. You can just state that you had a home emergency and that you apologize for being late.

Clarity in messaging may mean communicating pleasantly or directly, with only essential information.

Active Listening is half the solution:

Communication is a two-way street. Listening to understand, rather than respond, is super important to good communication.

Active listening isn’t just about hearing the words that are said; it’s about understanding the message behind them. It means also asking follow-up questions, showing empathy, and confirming our understanding of the person giving the message.

Much like a kid playing with putty, we need to experiment with the information being given to us to make sure we are understanding it and can really figure out what it can do.

I have been known to rephrase what a client says many times just to ensure I understand their process or the context of a specific workflow.

Another example would be to ask how someone came to a specific conclusion, or if there were any other details that could be added.

What other types of active listening techniques can you think of that would be beneficial for your business communication?

Empathy is understanding the situation from their angle:

Understanding and acknowledging others’ perspectives helps build stronger connections.

In my experience, there is nothing stronger to keep a team member loyal to your company and vision than one you strive to understand and see their view on the situation.

Empathy is one of those words that can feel a little “fluffy” and unnecessary, but the fact is that we are all human with different experiences that create a different lens that we see the world through. Taking a step back to attempt to put on that lens will not only increase your understanding of a teammate’s messages but also allow them to be freer in their want to contribute and communicate with you.

Constructive Feedback


Constructive feedback helps your team grow, and welcoming feedback on your own work demonstrates your commitment to improvement.

Communication is not about talking at someone, it’s about engaging with them and feedback is what allows this engagement to happen. It’s what turns monologues into dialogues, information into understanding, and plans into action.

Think about it. When you share an idea with your team, do you want them to nod along passively, or do you want them to respond with their thoughts and suggestions? I’m betting it’s the latter. That’s feedback in action. It shows that your message has been received and considered.

Feedback can also act as a mirror, reflecting how our messages are perceived. Let’s say you’ve just delivered a presentation, and afterward, a colleague says, “I liked your points, but some of the slides were a bit confusing.” That’s feedback. It helps you see your work from a different perspective, and it provides you with valuable insights for improvement.

Feedback may not always be comfortable, but it can be valuable. It’s a two-way street that requires giving and receiving. It helps us correct course, affirm strengths, and continuously improve. It makes us better communicators, better leaders, and better team players.


Mastering the Art of Communication


Now, why does all of this matter, particularly for communication for ADHD business owners? Well, mastering the art of effective communication can create profound changes in your business. It can boost productivity by ensuring everyone understands their tasks and goals. It can improve workplace relationships by fostering understanding and mutual respect. And ultimately, it can lead to greater business success by streamlining operations and enhancing customer interactions.

Think of good business communication as the glue that holds all the parts of your business together. When it’s missing or ineffective, things can start to feel a bit… chaotic. But with clear, empathetic, and effective communication, you’ll see a transformation. The chaos subsides. Things start clicking into place. And the day-to-day running of your business becomes that much smoother.

So, fellow ADHD-business owners, let’s embark on this journey of mastering internal and external business communication together. Let’s delve into the specifics of communication for ADHD business owners, simplify, streamline, and say goodbye to chaos!”

👉👉 Check out my YouTube on Communicating using ClickUp 👈👈


People Also Ask —

Q: What are some practical strategies for improving business communication?

A: To enhance business communication starts with clarity and simplicity in your messaging. Encourage active listening within your team, promoting a culture where everyone seeks to understand before responding. Cultivate empathy by appreciating diverse perspectives. Provide and invite constructive feedback to facilitate continuous improvement. Lastly, consider utilizing tools like ClickUp to streamline communication.

Q: What are some common barriers to effective communication and how can I overcome them?

A: Common barriers can include language differences, cultural nuances, physical noise, technical jargon, and emotional blocks. To overcome these, aim for clarity and simplicity in your messaging. Use common, easily understood language and present ideas in a structured way. Practice empathy to understand cultural variations, minimize distractions when communicating, avoid unnecessary jargon, and foster an environment of openness and trust to navigate emotional hurdles.

Q: How can ClickUp help improve communication in my business?

A: ClickUp is a versatile tool that offers numerous features to enhance communication. With its integrated chat feature, you can instantly discuss ideas, progress, and issues with your team. ClickUp’s task feature ensures everyone is aligned on their responsibilities, facilitating transparent communication about project progress. The platform’s recording feature allows for efficient, time-stamped communication, where verbal and visual cues can be shared for more nuanced understanding. All these features together make ClickUp a one-stop communication solution for businesses.

Q: How can I adapt different communication styles for various situations in my business?

A: Adapting communication styles involves understanding the context and the recipient. For instance, when dealing with conflict, an assertive style is often beneficial. When presenting a new idea, a more persuasive and engaging style may be suitable. In team collaboration, open and inclusive communication helps everyone feel valued. Recognizing the communication styles of your colleagues and adapting your approach to match their preferences can also improve mutual understanding and productivity.

Looking to learn more?

Check out these blogs: 

Business Documents that every Entreprenuer should have

Simple Task and Project Management

Top 5 ways to simplify your life

The Essentials of Business Communication Read More »