Ana Natkins

How Document Templates Can Help Small Businesses Succeed

What Business Document Templates should you have?


You put in so much time to your client work and running your business.


Why should you have business document templates? Well, have you ever heard of “re-inventing the wheel?”

Yeah, it’s a waste of time and energy. Having business document templates saves you time, money, and hassle. Here are some essential ones to consider:

1. Proposal Template

2. Invoice Template

3. Contract Template

4. Non-disclosure Agreement Template

5. Marketing Plan Template

6. Business Plan Template

7. Meeting Agenda Template

8. Presentation Template

By having these templates readily available, you’ll be able to streamline your workflow and focus more on growing your business instead of wasting time on repetitive tasks. that.

Using business templates can help you:

  • Save Time
  • Ensure Consistency
  • Increase your Level of professionalism
  • Ensure Legal Compliance
  • Make you Efficient
  • Allow you to Scaly

I am Going to talk about the templates today that will save you the MOST amount of time in your business. You know you are EXCITED

As a small business owner, you know that time is your most valuable asset. You need to focus on growing your business, serving your clients, and managing your team.

But what if you could save time and effort on routine tasks like writing emails, creating proposals, and organizing meetings? That’s where document templates come in.

Document templates are pre-written, reusable documents that can help you standardize your business processes, ensure consistency and quality, and improve your productivity.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most important types of templates that small businesses should have, and how they can benefit your business.

Why are Business Document Templates are so important to small businesses?

“Time is a created thing. It cannot be bought or sold. It is intangible, but it is the most valuable resource we have.” – Harvey Mackay

Preparation is key when it comes to saving time. Even just setting up documents and files with the appropriate format and basic information beforehand can be incredibly helpful.

Starting from scratch every time you need to create emails, proposals, or other documents not only saps your energy but also takes away from the valuable time that could be spent on more important tasks such as delivering exceptional work for clients, growing your team, or pursuing personal projects.

To avoid wasting precious resources of writing emails, creating proposals, and scheduling meetings repeatedly, it’s best to focus on what truly matters.

This is why I advocate for the use of templates in any business-related document that requires repetition. Using templates standardizes your business processes while ensuring consistency and quality. Ultimately, this leads to improved productivity and greater efficiency.

Some of the most important templates that I have in my and my clients business I have listed below for your perusal!

Email Template 📩

Ah emails… the bane of my existence and the starting place of every potential client communication. Email is one of the most common and important communication channels for businesses of all sizes regardless of the fact that I love to hate it. (More on organizing your email in another blog post, which helps a LOT)

Emails however are time-consuming to write (even with ChatGPT), especially if you are sending introductory emails or connecting with leaders in your industry. I also cannot tell you how many times I have mistyped or accidentally deleted paragraphs when writing emails.

So for our first business document templates example, we are talking about the many types of Emails you can actually create ahead of time! By using these email templates, you can save time, ensure consistency, and improve your effectiveness. Here are some of the most valuable I have found for my business

  • 📩 Welcome Email – This email template is a great way to introduce yourself to new clients or customers. It can help you make a great first impression, establish trust, and set expectations for your relationship.
  • 📩 Follow-up Email: After you’ve made a sale or provided a service, it’s important to keep in touch with your clients and customers. This email template can help you stay top-of-mind, build rapport, and generate repeat business.
  • 📩 Invoice Email: Sending invoices is a critical part of any business, but it can be tedious and time-consuming. This email template can help you streamline the process, reduce errors, and ensure prompt payment.
  • 📩 Appointment Reminders: If you schedule appointments with clients or customers, it’s important to send reminders to minimize no-shows and keep your schedule on track. This email template can help you remind your clients of their upcoming appointments and provide any necessary details.
  • 📩 Feedback or Testimonial Request Email: Gathering feedback and testimonials from your clients or customers can help you improve your products or services, build social proof, and attract new business. This email template can help you solicit feedback in a professional and effective way.
  • 📩 Frequently Asked Questions Email: If you find yourself answering the same questions from multiple clients or customers, it can be helpful to create an FAQ email template that you can use to provide consistent and accurate answers.


SOP Templates 📝

Time for one of my FAVORITE business document templates to talk about, Standard operating procedures (SOPs).

These little beauties are so so so important for maintaining consistency and quality in your business processes. Without them (and a few other key pieces in your operations), chaos may ensue. That’s not good for anyone.

They can help you ensure that your team members understand their roles and responsibilities, follow best practices, and deliver high-quality work. If you have ever had a freelancer or contractor in your business, you know how valuable these little beauties can be.

Here are just some of the types of SOPs that small businesses should have. This can be different depending on your type of business, but the general list below should still apply.

  1. Marketing
  2. Email List
  3. Sales
  4. Customer Management
  5. Financial Management
  6. Metrics
  7. Hiring
  8. Client Onboarding/Offboarding
  9. Team Onboarding/Offboarding
  10. Project Management

While each of these types of SOP’s have their own specific needs and details, having a consistent template for each type will help those that read them understand the context and be able to execute them effectively.

It’s also important to have the SOP’s in a place that is well organized and accessible by all that need them. I have created a ClickUp SOP Library structure just for YOU to be able to write and link the SOP’s directly to the tasks that need them.

Check outmy YouTube video of how to do it (plus some tips and tricks to make sure that your SOP’s stay safe! (Always have a backup of your most important documents!)

Make sure to download your free SOP template library here!

Proposal Templates 🧐

Proposal Template. If you are in creative services, proposals are one of those things that you are constantly finding yourself working on. In fact, with most of the creative agencies I have worked with, this is what the CEO spends most of their time on other than networking and finding clients.

Now, I’m going to throw my speech about creating a Tier-Level system out the window… for now. BUT I am going to encourage the creation of SOME sort of template that will only require you to change the deliverables and the prices (and maybe some personal details of the client) every time you need it.

Remember. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel folks!

Your clients would rather you use your creative energy for your graphic design or copy efforts for them anyway.

Here are some of the types of proposal business document templates that can be created ahead of time depending on the types of services or products that you have.

  1. Service Proposal 🧐 : Outline your scope of work, your deliverables and the time that it will take to complete said scope of work.
  2. Product Proposal 🧐 : Outline the features and benefits of a product, as well as pricing and delivery details.
  3. New Employee Proposal 🧐 : Employee’s need proposals too, this type of proposal can help you outline the position, qualifications, and compensation so they have a full understanding before signing any contracts.
  4. Grant Proposal 🧐 : Grant proposal templates can help you make a strong case for why your project is worthy of support.


Contract Templates 🤝

Ah Contracts and Agreements. Those ultra-necessary, better have your ducks-in-a-row documents where you sign your life away (or ask your clients to!).

I am not a lawyer, even though I am related to 3 of them, but I still make sure that I have my Business Contract Templates to clarify terms and conditions of my business relationships and transactions.

But you need more than 1 type of contract when think about all the types of agreements you may need.

Here are some types of contract templates you should have:

  1. A Service Agreement Template 🤝 : This type of contract outlines the scope of work, deliverables, pricing, and terms and conditions for a service project between your business and a client.
  2. Sales Agreement Template 🤝 : This type of contract outlines the terms and conditions for the sale of products, whether physical or digital, between your business and a client.
  3. Independent Contractor Agreement 🤝 : This type of contract outlines the terms and conditions for a 1099 contractor, including scope of work, payment terms, and ownership of work produced. The business is not responsible for providing benefits or taxes for the independent contractor.
  4. Employment Agreement 🤝 : This type of contract outlines the terms and conditions of employment for an employee, including job duties, compensation, benefits, and termination policies. The business is responsible for providing benefits and taxes for the employee.
  5. Partnership Agreement 🤝 : This type of contract outlines the terms and conditions of a business partnership between two or more parties.
  6. Non-disclosure Agreement 🤝 : (NDA) is a legal contract that establishes confidentiality between two or more parties. It prohibits the sharing of confidential information with unauthorized third parties and can be used to protect trade secrets, intellectual property, and other sensitive business information.

To find contract templates, you can search online legal forms providers such as LegalZoom, Rocket Lawyer, and LawDepot, or check out Boss Contract Society, which offers a variety of contract templates for small business owners.


Meeting Agenda Templates 📋

Now we can get into the fun stuff. Meetings can be a valuable tool for collaboration and decision-making, but they can also be a waste of time if they’re not well-planned and organized.

Creating Meeting Agenda templates is perfect to make sure the meeting stays on track and you avoid those “rabbit holes” that I know I have a tendency to go down on occassion

One of the key aspects to productivity is the ability to stay on track and focus on the most important topics.

Some of the ones you should have in your arsenal

  1. Status Update Meeting 📋 : This type of meeting is focused on providing updates on ongoing projects and initiatives.
  2. Client Meeting 📋 : This type of meeting is focused on discussing the needs and requirements of a client and providing updates on project progress
  3. Team Meeting 📋 : This type of meeting is focused on discussing team goals, projects, and initiatives.
  4. Quarterly Review Meeting 📋 : This type of meeting is focused on reviewing progress and identifying opportunities for improvement.

To make the most of your meeting agenda templates, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Set clear objectives and outcomes for the meeting.
  • Include only the most important topics and prioritize them.
  • Assign owners for each agenda item to ensure accountability.
  • Allow time for discussion and questions.
  • Follow up after the meeting with action items and next steps.

Sales Page Templates 💰

Have you ever created a sales page? For yourself or someone else?

If you have, my condolences…. it isn’t EASY, that’s for sure. Trying to fit everything that individuals may be interested in on 1 page is a challenge. That’s why, I don’t want to do it more than 1 or 2 times.

While a sales page is a critical tool for converting visitors into customers, creating a sales page template makes the process so much more enjoyable the next time around… because you aren’t creating it from scratch!

By using sales page templates, you can ensure that your sales pages are well-designed, optimized for conversion, and consistent with your branding. Here are some key elements that your sales page template should include:

  1. Headline: A strong and compelling headline that grabs the attention of the reader and communicates the main benefit of the product or service.
  2. Introduction 💰 : A brief introduction that provides context for the product or service and creates a connection with the reader.
  3. Problem 💰 : A description of the problem or pain point that the product or service addresses, and why it is important to solve that problem.
  4. Solution 💰 : A clear and concise description of how the product or service solves the problem and provides value to the customer.
  5. Features 💰 : A list of the key features and capabilities of the product or service, and how they contribute to the overall value proposition.
  6. Benefits 💰 : A description of the benefits that the customer will experience by using the product or service, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, or improved outcomes.
  7. Social Proof 💰 : Testimonials, case studies, or other social proof that demonstrates the effectiveness and credibility of the product or service.
  8. Call to Action 💰 : A clear and compelling call to action that encourages the reader to take action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a free trial, or scheduling a consultation.


Creating your own business document templates 

So, at the end of each of the previous mentions of types of templates, we gave you a few hints as to how to create your own and specific items you should pay attention to.

I thought it would be a good idea to add some more “Best Practices” while we are thinking about the documents or items to templatize!

What documents do you need to be templatized?

Start by identifying the business documents that you use most frequently in your business or your find yourself spending the most time recreating. For me, this means email templates, proposals and Discovery Call notes. (And of course those contracts!)

Some others may need meeting agenda templates and Customer Care emails. It’s really what YOU are using the most.

Reviewing existing templates

There’s no reason to create anything from scratch if you already have the information somewhere. Check your email outbox or previously used meeting notes for information that has worked for you before. Sometimes even some of your software applications already have templates. Of course, you can always check online for templates for specific documents or items.

I happen to know that Pinterest is FULL of these types of free templates as well.

Customize your business document templates

Once you have a starting point, it’s time customize! Make them fit your and your clients unique needs.

Ideas to customize may include adding your logo and branding, changing the language to be more informal, and adapting the structure to fit your specific requirements.

Test and Refine

If you are anything like me, you like to have perfection out of the gate.

The sad truth is, that NEVER happens.

Be okay with “good enough” and continue to update and upgrade them as you see how they work out in the real world. Just having a semblance of organization and workflow baked into the documents is a huge leap forward for your productivity.

You can always improve and make any necessary adjustments based on feedback and continue to refine your templates over time.

There are so many opportunities to create templates for things in your business, but as usual I’m going to suggest that you start simply noticing the types of things you find yourself creating over and over, perhaps already using a “sort” of template that can be shared with the rest of the business or made more “official” somehow.

Make sure to check out my FREE ClickUp SOP Documents that will make SOP creation in your project management tool super-easy to use.

Take it one step at a time and the time saved will eventually add up to give you the freedom you crave.

Looking to learn more?

Check out these blogs: 

✅ Business Documents that every Entreprenuer should have

✅ Simple Task and Project Management

✅ Top 5 ways to simplify your life

How Document Templates Can Help Small Businesses Succeed Read More »

Business Documents that every entrepreneur should have.

Business Document Folders

Business Documents Every Entrepreneur should have


Running a service-based business is all about outstanding experiences for your clients. But we know that behind the scenes, there is a bunch of important business documents, that play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations. I’m sure I’m not that only one that find managing all of this “paperwork” can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Nonetheless, organizing your business documents is vital for complying with legal requirements, simplifying decision-making, and enhancing operational effectiveness.

Well-organized documents improve team productivity, business profitability, and client satisfaction. These essential documents and how you organize them will determine how effective your communication is and how happy your stakeholders are.

Important Documents for Business Operations


Business operations documents not only help your business stay organized but also foster strong client relationships and ensure your clients receive top-notch service they can rave about. Here are some essential documents, with a personal touch, for smooth business operations.

Documents on Table

  1. Business Reports: A thorough analysis of your company’s performance, including sales figures and financial reports, is crucial for making informed decisions and strategizing future plans. Make it a habit to update and review your business report regularly to stay on top of your company’s growth and pinpoint areas ripe for improvement.
  2. Bylaws: Company bylaws are like the friendly neighborhood guidelines that outline the rules and regulations governing your business operations. These documents keep your business on the straight and narrow, ensuring compliance with the law and adherence to established guidelines.
  3. Business Plan: A strategic roadmap for your business, detailing your aspirations, marketing strategies, and the wonderful potential customers waiting for you. A well-crafted business plan helps you make smart decisions and attract investors and partners eager to be part of your success story.
  4. Templates: Use templates for various documents, such as business letters, invoices, and memos, to maintain consistency and clarity. This practice ensures that your company maintains a professional image while also streamlining communication with clients and stakeholders. It’s like having a secret weapon for your business communication!
  5. Email: Use email for communication with your cherished team members, fresh new hires, and valued clients. Email is an efficient and cost-effective way to keep everyone informed and updated on company news, exciting announcements, and project progress.
  6. Case Studies: Share your success stories with potential new investors and stakeholders, showcasing your business’s capabilities. Case studies offer valuable insights into your company’s performance and spotlight your expertise in your field. It’s like giving them a front-row seat to your greatest hits!
  7. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): A legally binding document that wraps your intellectual property and sensitive information in a warm, protective blanket. NDAs are essential for safeguarding trade secrets and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.
  8. Employment Agreement: A contract between you and your employees, outlining the terms and conditions of employment like a friendly handshake. Employment agreements help protect both parties’ interests and establish a clear understanding of expectations and responsibilities.

Documents for Client Management


Ah, client management! The lifeblood of any business and the source of both our joys and frustrations. To keep things running smoothly and ensure we’re all on the same page, there are some essential pages we need to have at the ready.

  1. Partnership Agreement: Think of this as the prenup of the business world. A legal document that outlines the ins and outs of your partnership, such as roles, responsibilities, and rights. It’s the perfect way to ensure that everyone’s playing by the same rules and helps prevent those pesky partnership squabbles.
  2. Personal Information: Spiderman learned the hard way, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Well, handling sensitive client information is no exception. Keep your clients’ data under lock and key, and be sure to comply with data protection regulations to avoid those dreaded legal complications and fines. No one wants to be “that business” in the headlines.
  3. Clear Advantages and Disadvantages: No one’s perfect, and neither are your products or services. Be upfront about potential drawbacks and offer solutions to tackle them. Clients appreciate honesty, and being transparent will only strengthen your bond (just like couples’ therapy, but for business).
  4. Business Letters: Ah, the art of crafting a good ol’ fashioned business letter. Ensure your letters are clear, concise, and strike the perfect tone to maintain a positive impression. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression—unless you have a time machine, that is.
  5. Regulatory Documents: Nobody likes legal trouble. Keep your business on the straight and narrow by staying current with industry regulations and safety compliance standards. A little extra effort now will save you from a world of headache and costly mistakes down the road.

Documents for Financial Management


Financial management is a vital aspect of your business, and having the right documents in place can help you make informed decisions, streamline processes, and optimize resources.

Financial dollar sign and paper dollars

  1. Invoices: Maintain a record of all invoices sent and received to track your business’s income and expenses. Regularly review your invoices to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  2. Business Insurance: Ensure that your company has the appropriate insurance coverage to protect against unforeseen events and minimize financial risks.
  3. Simple Language: Use clear and straightforward language when drafting financial documents to ensure that all stakeholders, including lenders, can understand your company’s financial position and performance.
  4. Bank Account Documents: Open a separate business bank account to manage your company’s finances and maintain a clear distinction between personal and business transactions.
  5. Financial Report: Prepare regular financial reports to analyze your business’s profitability, cash flow, and overall financial health. Use these reports to make informed decisions about investments, resource allocation, and growth strategies.
  6. Feasibility Studies: Conduct feasibility studies to assess the viability of new projects or business ventures. These studies help you determine whether a project is worth pursuing and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Organizing and Storing Your Documents


Get your business documents organized and under control – trust me, it’s a game-changer! While I could write a whole series on this topic, I can’t help but mention some vital tips here.

You’ll find some digital organization tips for your documents that will help you take control and tame that paper chaos.

  1. Be specific and categorize: Use clear, concise labels, color-coding, or other organizing methods to make finding documents a breeze. I’ve got all my documents all organized in specific folders on Google Drive, with a “hub” in Airtable, categorized by type. 
    Check out my video on my Executive Hub.

  2. Group similar documents: Keep similar documents together to save time and reduce the chance of misplacing essential info. Client documents get put in client folders, financial documents nestle in the financial folder, product descriptions in the product development folder… you get the idea!

  3. Go digital: Embrace cloud-based storage options like Google Drive or Dropbox for easy accessibility and security. It’s 2023, after all! While I’m a die-hard fan of physical notebooks for brainstorming and learning, I also appreciate the value of digital document management. It not only saves space but also gives your team easy access to what they need without constantly bugging you.

  4. Back it up: Protect your hard work against data loss or theft by having backup copies of all crucial documents. Do a purge: Make it a habit to review and toss any outdated or unnecessary documents regularly. Keep what you genuinely need, and keep it organized. I know it sounds like I’m channeling my inner corporate guru, but it’s true. Backing up your documents, especially the important ones, is essential in our digital world. I use Google Drive and have it set up to sync with my desktop. This way, I can create copies on my hard drive (external or internal) of all my vital documents.

Check out my YouTube videos and my specific one below for how to use Google Drive-stream on your desktop, making accessing files super-simple and quick! 

Organizing and managing your documents might seem like a daunting task, but it is crucial for maintaining compliance, streamlining decision-making, and enhancing operational efficiency. By categorizing documents, maintaining clear communication with clients and stakeholders, and using digital storage solutions, you can ensure that your business remains organized and prepared for success.

Remember to periodically review your documents, update them as needed, and back up your data to protect your business. With well-organized documents, you can focus on delivering exceptional experiences for your clients, growing your business, and enjoying the rewards of your hard work.


What types of documents do I need to start a business?

You will need to create a business plan, register your business with the appropriate government agencies, obtain any necessary licenses and permits, and draft legal documents such as partnership agreements or articles of incorporation.

What financial documents do I need to keep track of for tax purposes?

For tax purposes, service-based entrepreneurs need to keep track of important financial documents such as income statements, balance sheets, and tax returns. Other documents to keep track of include invoices, receipts, and bank statements.

What legal documents do I need to have in place to protect my business?

To protect your business legally, you may need to create contracts, agreements, and policies. Examples of legal documents include client agreements, employee contracts, and privacy policies.

How often should I review and update my documents?

It’s a good practice to review and update your documents on a regular basis, such as annually. This will help ensure that your documents are up-to-date with any changes in your business or industry.

How do I ensure that my documents are compliant with relevant laws and regulations?

You can consult with legal professionals or seek out industry-specific guidelines to help ensure compliance. While most of my documents live in Google Drive within pre-defined folders, I have them all linked together in my Executive or Team Hub in Airtable where I can quickly find whatever I am looking for with a search or by creating a quick view for those categorized as Documents.

Love, Ana


Looking to learn more?

Check out these blogs:

Let’s chat!
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Business Documents that every entrepreneur should have. Read More »

Simple Task and Project Management

As a neuro-spicy individual, I know how frustrating it can be to manage tasks and stay organized.
ADHD or not, organizing everything in today’s world is challenging and can sometimes feel like we are constantly chasing our tail. As I like to say “The juggle is real”.
The key to combating this chaos is actually quite simple, though difficult to achieve at times especially if you are being pulled many directions.
The fact is, no one can multi-task on multiple tasks at one time, especially when both of those tasks need concentration and focus. The only time it is possible is if you are doing something that requires low cognitive effort, like walking while listening to a podcast.
The only real way to work through tasks, is to do them, one by one. In order to do that you need a method to put them in a place where they can be easily referenced (a project management tool of sorts) and a way to find them easily that matches the context of the “project” they are part of.
In this post, I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks to help you become a better project and task manager. Whether you’re a busy entrepreneur, a working mom, student, or financial analyst moonlighting as an underwater-basket-weaver, these strategies can get you to stay on track and get things done. Getting things done is the key to opening your life up to all possibilities.
So, grab your favorite beverage (extra caffeine recommended) and let’s dive into the world of project and task management. You might just find that it’s not as boring as you thought, and that mastering online task management and project management can make you feel like a total ninja in your day-to-day.

Categorizing your tasks

Managing the “to-do’s” in life and business can be a daunting task in itself, and even more so if you struggle with ADHD or simply have too much on your plate. This is why I recommend categorizing your tasks into 3 groups to help contextualize each.
  1. Repeating operational tasks
  2. 1-time tasks that will take less than an hour to complete
  3. Project-based tasks that are either client-related or internal project related.
  4. Okay, this is a bonus one, but it’s also important to create emergency tasks, just in case there is something that needs emergency attention, like a downed website… or a pandemic or something.

Repeating Operational Tasks

These are those operational, repeating tasks that MUST be done to keep your business running. They can fall into any category of your business; marketing, operations, finances, etc. They are well-defined and have to happen at a regular cadence in order to function.
Like me and my coffee in the morning. Anyone relate????? ☕☕☕
These are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, even yearly tasks that need to be put on your agenda to make sure you dont’ disappoint a client or… get audited by the government. (YAY taxes)
Daily tasks might include routine activities such as checking emails or responding to messages, I prefer a “Daily activities’ task that has a checklist of everything I need to do every day, check emails, contact my clients, put out a social post, respond to questions.
Weekly tasks can include preparing for upcoming meetings or setting up appointments. I have “reviewing my finances” and “going through my newsletters” as one of my weekly tasks (usually done on Fridays when I have more “breathing” room)
Monthly tasks could include reviewing financial reports or analyzing progress towards long-term goals, while project-based categories could involve working on specific assignments or projects.

1-time tasks

You know those pesky tasks that need to be done, but don’t necessarily fit into a project or category? You know… like, you know you need to create a project plan for XYZ but you can’t put it under XYZ because it doesn’t exist yet
Or you need to remember to remove a client from their group program chat 2 weeks after the official end of their program, but it can’t be automated, but doesn’t really make sense to add it to the program workflow?
Yes, these tasks. They need to live someplace where they will get the attention they need.
I use the following rules to make sure I know what tasks belong in this category.
  1. The task must take an hour or less to complete (or it needs to be it’s own project)
  2. The task must not belong to an existing project or timeline
  3. The task is not an “idea” or something that belongs in a brain-dump area.
WARNING: Do not make this a dumping ground for all tasks that come into your head. The purpose of managing your tasks is so that you can more easily understand the context surrounding it and to make educated decisions on the correct priority of it.

Project-Based tasks

All previous project managers will innately understand this one.
These are all the tasks related to specific projects with an end goal (or a sprint goal) that you are currently working on.
These are usually Client projects, or internal business projects that have specific deliverables, timelines and people responsible.

Emergency Tasks

This is exactly what it sounds like. Tasks that need to be thrown to the top of the “important” pile. That should be highlighted in Red with exclamations after that require everyone to stop what they are doing and focus on the highest priority of all.
Use this one wisely, it should really be an “emergency” when used. Functionality of the business is impeded or someone unexpectedly is in the hospital and all of their tasks need to be delegated to someone else.
Effectively categorizing tasks is critical to getting the most out of your time and resources.
Putting them in the right places in your project management or task management tool is important for you and your team’s understanding of what is part of a project with a timeline, or what can be done in other parts of the day.

How to create project categories in your PM tool

There are some of you that subscribe to the “nesting doll” theory of project management, where every task belongs to some sort of project. While that is a good theory, it is not as usable as one may think. Categorizing as stated above not only keeps tasks where they belong, but also allows for the “organized chaos” that business can bring, without blowing the whole organization system.
Depending on the tool that you use, this can be done with folders, sub-categories or columns. Plain old to-do lists can be color coded to separate each of the tasks.
I challenge you to take a look at the tasks that you have for the next week, and categorize them using this FREE tool I created.

Defining the Scope of the Task/Project

Defining the scope and requirements might not sound like the most thrilling part of your project, but trust me, it’s important.
Keep in mind, this is for longer-term projects that have an ultimate final goal… repeating operational tasks will be talked about in a different section.
Especially when you are in the throws of doing all the things, and managing all the people… having an understanding from everyone involved in the project what the deliverables are, how long it will take and who will be working on it is pretty dang important.
I always create a project document, that outlines all the pieces of information that the project will be about, anything specific about that project that needs to be thought of, and who will be responsible for making it actually HAPPEN. (In many cases, that’s you!)
I recommend including the following:
  • Name and Description of project
  • Overall Goal of the project.
  • When should the project be completed
  • What are the deliverables from the project?
  • What tech needs to be involved?
  • What is the workflow of the final product?
  • What are the potential issues with this project?
  • Who will be working on this project?
  • What are all the existing files/assets that are part of this project?
  • Kickoff meeting.

Breaking down Projects into Tasks – Subtasks – Checklists

It’s easy to tell someone to make you a sandwich, but chances are, if you just do that, you are not going to get the sandwich you are hoping for. This is why breaking down projects and/or tasks into smaller sub-tasks is important.
When a task seems overwhelming or too large to tackle, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces can make it feel less daunting.
To do this, start by identifying the key steps or components required to complete the task. You can do this on a document or word file, whatever you find easiest to use. Each step will have specific instructions for it and may need to be broken down even more.
Sometimes a task may have different parts, but doesn’t necessarily need to have “sub-tasks” added to them because they are something that everyone knows to do anyway. In this case, I recommend creating a checklist within the description of the task if possible, to still be able to support a new employee, or just help double-check for those more experienced.
Doing this will help the team stay more focused and organized. Your managers and CEO’s can track progress and identify roadblocks more easily and be able to hit deadlines first.
Also, breaking down tasks into smaller parts can also help with prioritization and using everyone’s time efficiently. Because the more you get done, the less you have to do!


Set clear deadlines and identify priorities

The job of the project manager is not only make sure that task are completed, but that they are completed by their deadline and are able to identify which tasks need higher priority in order to keep the entire project moving in the right direction.
These deadlines help communicate to the team how to manage their workload as well as assisting the managers in how to best support the team.
To do this, you simply need to add a “due date” to each of the tasks in the list. In many cases, the priorities will be the tasks that are due or almost due. In other cases, there may be a very hot job that comes across your plate, or something that needs to be done immediately in which case the Manager should communicate (or put a task in the “emergency” section of the Project Management tool) to make sure the initiative has the right support
Once you do this, it is imperative to encourage the team to meet the deadlines, and don’t fall into the trap of “Oops, deadline passed, oh well”.
You know what I’m talking about.
If this starts to happen, then there is a subtle message that goes out to the entire team that deadlines are optional, and they become less effective in the long run.
Once everyone is on board, and use to prioritizing due to deadlines I know you will notice how much more quickly things get done.
Increase that productive, not the stress level! D

Assigning tasks to team members

Okay, so we know what the task is, we’ve broken it down, we have given it a due date…. and now what?
Well we need SOMEONE to work on it!
Accountability people! It’s worth it’s weight in gold.
Every task, big or small should have an assignee.
This will ensure that everyone is crystal clear on their responsibilities and the workload is distributed evenly. That what we love… even Steven!
You should assign the tasks according to the “role” of the individual doing it. For example, I wouldn’t assign an account manager a task of posting social media (unless it was part of their role description), even if it’s part of a project they are assigned to.
All tasks in my opinion should be assigned by a project manager or whoever is in charge of creating the projects. Those “doing” the work should be focusing on doing, not thinking who should be in charge of the next step. I could write a whole other blog post about this… so I’ll stop there 🙂
When you look at the task, think to yourself, “What role does this fall under?” and put the person in THAT role on that specific task.


So these are just a few tips to think about when organizing the tasks for your business, whether you are just 1 individual, or you are working with a team. The importance of categorizing, defining scope, assigning due dates, priorities and who is responsible is the framework of a project that is well communicated and effective.

Looking to learn more?


Check out these blogs: 
Using ClickUp – Beginner Edition
Digital calendar organization system

Also sign up to get my Task Categorization tool to help start getting them organized.

Check out my YouTube channel where I walk through these concepts using ClickUp (my favorite project management too) 

Want to chat? 
Find me on Instagram and Facebook! 

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Create a digital calendar organization system that works for you

You swear by your manual planner, but you’ve been swearing AT it more often than not lately.

The number of times you have missed meetings, forgotten you kiddo’s doc appointment, neglected to share with your husband that he had to take Jimmy to rugby on Saturday. 

For all intents and purposes, your manual planner is exactly what you need, but it’s only on 1 place all the time. If you don’t have it with you while making or changing plans, what then?


Being a mom, business owner, or just a person in these busy and informational times is chaotic enough. 

Keeping everything organized so you aren’t always playing catchup, feeling overwhelmed is pretty much REQUIRED nowadays.


This problem is even worse if you are already tired, worn out, not taking care of yourself or have ADHD. I get it, I am all of these things and more. I’ve learned the beauty of the digital calendar system and all it can do. I went from missing multiple meetings a week to missing almost none.


I was constantly frustrated at my husband for never knowing what kid was signed up for which activities until I started sharing all of them with his digital calendar that is hooked up to his email.


My dad used to call me “flakey”…. it’s been part of my identity most of my life, but it never sat well with me because I hated that I couldn’t remember it all.

Now I have much more control using my digital calendar system and I know I’m not failing my clients or my family. If this is you, I encourage you to read on.



What is a digital Calendar?

If you were born in the 70’s or 80’s, you are probably familiar with the Chandlers notebooks or family planner systems that sat on the counter next to your rotary dial telephone. (No? Just me?)
I remember having one for school as well, where I wrote down all the assignments that I would put off to the last minute or completely forget about because my notebook was in my bookbag still sitting at the door where I left it when I got home on Friday.
Enter the 2000’s.
Digital Calendars have been a part of the computer landscape almost since it’s inception, but the usability of them hasn’t really come into it’s own until recently.
I learned that it was as early as 1983 that Apple computers released something called “LisaList” that allowed users to create appointments and reminders as well as print out their schedules. Close behind, Lotus Notes created Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet program with built-in-calendar.
Since then, it seems as if every other ad I see on Facebook is for a new kind of digital organization or scheduling system. They are everywhere. For those of us use to or needing more physical or tactile ways to wrap our brains around our ever-increasingly-busy schedule the sheer amount of them is overwhelming.

Benefits of using a digital calendar

While there are many reasons that you may want to use a physical calendar or planner when hashing out ideas, or looking at content calendars, converting those to a digital calendar can be one of the best things you do.

Check out some of the benefits below:

  • You can set reminders for all of your events, meetings and due dates. The most popular digital calendars automatically give you the option to set reminders, some give you auditory reminders and some just send you an email. There is the option of also setting multiple reminders if you need an hour to prepare for a meeting or presentation.
  • Available on Multiple Devices One of the best features of a digital calendar planner is the ability to have it on multiple devices. Your computer? Check! Your phone? Check! Your auditory personal assistant? Check Check!
  • Easily move or reschedule appointments. Have you ever had to move an appointment because something came up? (Don’t say no, I know you have). In a physical planner or calendar you have to scratch it out (or white it out if you are old-school) and put it on another day. It also can take several phone calls to find a time that works.
  • In a digital calendar you can reschedule on the spot. Move it to a different time or cancel it all together and put in a new one. MAGIC
  • Share your Schedule with others. If you are part of a family, or a member of an organization LISTEN UP. Being able to share where you are, what you are doing, what is scheduled for your family with someone else is GAME CHANGING.
    I can’t tell you how many times I use to tell my husband about a kids appointment, or soccer schedule, just to have him (or myself) forget about it later. Now I just book it and share the entire calendar with him. (You can also just share specific appointments by inviting someone). If you have an assistant working in your business, you can share your calendar with them so they are able to find out your availability and work with vendors and clients without your input.

At this point, you probably are ALL IN.


You GET it, but now you need to figure out, out of all of the choices out there, which is the best for you?!


How to choose the best digital calendar for you

There are many types of digital calendars out there, the three main ones being Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and Microsoft Calendar. There are a couple things to consider when trying to choose one that will work for you.
These three I just mentioned have VERY much the same functionality, so some of it may just come down to personal preference, however there are some things you should consider when choosing one that will work best for you and your needs.
Want to find out about the best calendars to use?
Check out this article (

Figure out what your goals are for the calendar.
Are you using it just for yourself? Is it used for your business? What functionalities will be mosts-used? Which is the most user-friendly for you? What type of software do you already use?

The answers to these questions will basically tell you which one you need.
If you need to share with many other types of clients and/or people on different systems, using a cloud-based calendar may be the best option.
If you need multiple calendars, and want to color-code them with bright colors, looking at Google Calendar and Apple Calendar may be the best options.
If you hate Apple Computers, then maybe apple calendar is NOT the right choice (and I wonder where your head is at… but that’s a completely different blog post).
Do you need to embed the calendars into different software? Share your work appointments with your project management tool to understand how you are spending your time?
While this blog isn’t going to dive into the specifics of the three calendars I listed above, and how they may benefit your specific goals, I’ve linked to some other helpful articles that dive into that below.

And I personally use Google Calendar because A) it integrates with everything B) I already use and pay for Google Suite for my business and C) I can easily share multiple calendars with clients and my family.


Setting up your Calendar

While you can do this 500 different ways, in order to use your calendar most beneficially and to use it in a way that is helpful to others you are communicating with, I highly recommend the following.
  1. Look at all your appointments, imagined or otherwise and categorize them into buckets of types of appointments. For instance, you could have a team meeting, a client meeting and a coaching meeting, and those may all be considered “Business” meetings. Conversely, you have a hair appointment on Saturday, Your husband is going out of town for work on Sunday and your kiddo has Tae Kwon Do on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you may consider these “Family” appointments. A good categorization to start with may be work, family, personal, school and any others that are specific to your needs.
  2. Set up your Calendar Now it’s the fun part and start getting our hands digitally dirty. (is that even a thing?)Now that you have loosely categorized the types of calendars you have, I’m going to request that you create 1 more…. the IDEAL calendar.

    Okay, when I say ideal, I don’t mean that you will spend 3 hours a day getting a massage every day or schedule 12 hours for sleeping… I mean what is a realistic weekly schedule for you. If you need help figuring out what your ideal schedule should be, you can use this time tracker to help map it out. [ link to time-tracker ]

    Create an “ideal” schedule calendar, making sure all the appointments are set to “free” and use that as your guide when you are working or deciding when an event or appointment should be.

  • Then add your other calendars, making sure to choose the colors for them and setting them up specific to your needs. Also, make sure you set aside time in one of the calendars to review your schedule every day and adjust as needed. This fulfills two purposes: a) it allows you to keep all of your appointments up to date and fresh in your mind b) It helps to create the habit of actually using the digital calendar. Creating new habits always take some practice.

Other Strategies for your Digital Calendar planning to help keep you on track

This part is for those of you that may “understand” how to use digital calendars, but haven’t ever been able to make it work for you because… well… life.
As someone who gets it, I have found some little cool tips and tricks that have helped me and some of my clients tremendously when it comes to making sure the calendar is working for you.

If this is you, I’d love for you to send me an email of the tips and tricks that have worked for you!



Tip 1: Hook up your work and important event calendars to Alexa or Google Voice


Of course, this is only applicable if you have an Alexa or Google voice (and whether you should or not is a WHOLE other blog or post or really long Redit)
We are an Alexa-loving family. Not only does she play music all over the house and entertain my kids with stories that are age-appropriate, but she REMINDS me of my meetings in my office every time one is coming up.
The directions below are for Alexa, I’m sure there are easy-to find ones for Google Assistant as well:
  1. Open the Alexa app .
  2. Open More  and select Settings.
  3. Select Calendar.
  4. Select your account provider, and then select Connect Account.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions. Repeat these steps for each calendar you want to link.
Alexa will then give you a verbal warning for every “reminder” you have set up.

I have learned that she doesn’t pronounce everything correctly, which is pretty humorous.

Also, if there is a swear word in the name of the event, it will bleep it out.
Even Alexa has standards!

Tip 2: Buffer Time

Always always always create plenty of buffer time between your events and meetings.
I cannot emphasize this enough.
We know that stuff comes up, emergencies need to be dealt with, an extra cup of coffee is desperately needed and…. well bathroom.
If you are jamming every meeting in the world right next to each other, you don’t leave room for the curve balls that life throws at you.
And you know that sometimes life is nothing BUT curveballs.
So do yourself a favor, and make sure there is some breathing room in your schedule. You’ll thank me when you don’t have a nervous breakdown. (Remind me to tell you sometime about MY nervous breakdowns)

Tip 3: Set aside time to review your calendar 1x a day

I’ve said this before in this blog, but it bears repeating.
Set aside 15 minutes a day to review your schedule for the day, or even a few days in advance.
Make sure you don’t have any overlapping meetings, no emergencies came up or see if any events need to be moved because your mini-me is now home sick with the stomach flu.
Creating this habit, either at the beginning or the end of the day, depending when your brain best works, will solidify your schedule in your head, and keep you updated on anything else going on that you need to be aware of.

In the end you will feel much more organized and much less “chaotic” having done this.

Want to see how this all works together? You can check out my YouTube channel where I talk about everything Operations, Productivity, Digital Organization ClickUp and Airtable. 



I’ll even show you how to integrate your digital calendar with ClickUp and make even more use of it there!

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Planning your Day- on and offline

I have always hated being inefficient with my time. As a wife, mom, business owner, outdoor enthusiast, runner, musician, and 500 other things I’m sure I’m forgetting to mention, my time is precious.

Same as you, dear reader.

Spending time on something that could either take less time or trying to clarify what is even needed is infuriating for me. It always has been (sorry-not-sorry past bosses that were probably so irritated at my questions).

This is why I am so focused on the importance of planning. Without a plan, without an idea of what needs to happen to reach our goals, dreams, vision…. We may as well just ride the ocean wherever it takes us, never aiming for the big wave that will take us to shore. (I have no idea where that analogy came from… but you get the picture).

So, here we are, with our quarterly and weekly planning all worked out (see THESE BLOGS), how do we use that and make sure our daily plans are the best and most efficient use of our time?


Step 1 – Find a time of the day to do your daily planning. Either right at the beginning of the day or the day before.

Step 2 – Create a master list of all your tasks, and projects, that are upcoming, use post-its, note-cards, homing pigeons, whatever. But do something that really gets in your head. Make sure to check messages, emails, slacks, PM tool

Step 3 – Look at your list of tasks and projects and categorize them into the Eisenhower matrix.

Urgent / Important Not Urgent / Important
Urgent / Not Important Not Urgent / Not Important 

Quadrant 1 High priority and urgent: 

  • anything that needs to be done for upcoming meetings
  • Anything for an upcoming deadline
  • Anything to fix an “emergency”

Quadrant 2 High priority and not-urgent

  • Not part of day-to-day ops but help you get closer to goals and typically requires more focus. 
  • These are strategic projects, development, or something that is going to make your life better
  • Try to fit only 1-2 of these a day( in fact 2 is way too much)unless there is nothing urgent and important

Quadrant 3 Urgent/not important

  • These are typically admin things or things that can be delegated to someone else
  • Unexpected texts or phone calls
  • Social media replies. 
  • Maybe can be done during buffer time or admin time.

Quadrant 4 Non-Urgent/not important

  • If anything falls in this category, it’s not going to make your list at all. Fugetaboutit.

Step 4: Looking at your existing schedule, fit the tasks in priority order leaving buffer time in between. This week means you probably will ONLY have 3-4 “things” a day that will get done from your task list.


Step 4.5: (This is only a half step because you don’t HAVE to do it, but I recommend doing it for those of you who need a bit more processing time to fully commit to getting things done that day).
Write down those three tasks, or highlight them in your list. I have a day planner on my iPad that I write down my priorities for the day being those 3 to 5 tasks/projects that will be done. Then I go onto step 5. 

Step 5: Go into your Task Management System (If you don’t have one… get one, and if you don’t know which one to get, I recommend THIS ONE (ClickUp) and make your top tasks are showing up on your worklist for that day.

You can also add the tasks in the calendar view as well.

** Recommendation – Create an “ideal work day/week” within your preferred calendar (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Calendar) and import that calendar into ClickUp. 

Check out how to do this in my YouTube video below.


Planning your Day- on and offline Read More »

Planning your week and calendar scheduling

“Ughh. I feel like I have no time in the week.”


I am willing to bet that you say this to yourself from time to time. Or maybe even daily.


As a mom of two boys, wife, and business owner… I said that to myself A LOT.

Once I realized and started to operate with the mindset that every goal I had for the week needed a plan of action ahead of time, I finally felt like I could manage life.

Take a listen to my latest Youtube video that just dropped this week because it is all about weekly planning, how to use Airtable to plan your week, and as always, productivity for the busy neuro-divergent entrepreneur.

Watch my YouTube video for the six steps that I use to plan my week with Airtable. 👇


Don’t forget to grab my Goal Planning Template! (What you see in the video!) 


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Planning your life, one priority at a time

Are you tired of missing things that you love in life?


I know I am.

As a mom, a business owner, and a neurodivergent female, I have struggled to reach any long-term goals because my attention is constantly pulled in a million directions. 

Anyone out there feel the same?

distracted female

Well, I’m going to share with you how I am changing the script in 2023 by going through my goal-planning strategy (or habit-creation strategy) that I went through to not only plan for my business, but for my LIFE. 

Think of your life in the following four areas 

Self-Care / Personal Health / Financial / Creative 

These will give you a good round view of all parts of your life that can be optimized or improved.

Write out what you imagine your “perfect day” to be like. This is not about your perfect vacation or a respite from the every day, but how you imagine living your life, earning your money, and choosing the people you are around.

This “perfect day” is your life intention, at least at the present moment. There will be pieces of it that you can pull out and identify as being geared toward self-care (meditation, yoga, massages), personal health (exercise, healthy eating, etc.), Financial (not having to worry about money, able to plan a long weekend away with the family) and creative (writing a book, painting a sunset, you name it).

Each of these intentions can help you identify the “goals” or the “finish lines” that you need to cross within the next year to get you a few steps closer to your intentions.

Watch my YouTube video for more details 👇


Check out my Goal Planning Template! (What you see in the video!) 


Planning your life, one priority at a time Read More »

Using ClickUp for project management. The beginner edition.

ClickUp is a cloud-based project management tool that has been taking the small (and medium-sized) businesses by storm in the past couple of years. Known for it’s flexibility, integration of multi-use functionalities, and aesthetically pleasing layout, ClickUp has been a forerunner in the project management software market. 


However, as much as it can offer, it is has been known to have a learning curve. I mean with all of that functionality, it’s going to have quite a few things to learn in order to use all of the pieces effectively. 


In essence… many people start using it, and then give up.


So let’s start simply, shall we? 


Check out my YouTube Beginner ClickUp tutorial to start to understand how to get around and start building your to-do’s and project management within this tool to not only get the most out of it, but to enjoy it as well.

Items covered in this video: 

  • ClickUp Pricing
  • Home Screen layout
  • ClickUp Heirarchy
  • Creating a new Space
  • Adding a folder and a list
  • Anatomy of a task
  • Different View (to start)
  • and more!

I will be diving deeper into different parts of ClickUp to help improve your productivity and make the most of your time. If you want to be the first to hear about it, make sure to sign up for my mailing list below and subscribe to my channel! 


Have an awesome day! 

Using ClickUp for project management. The beginner edition. Read More »

Create a Business Hub with Airtable


Do you feel like your business is a chaotic mess ??


Do you not know where anything, or any project is at any point in time? Are you constantly putting out fires and feel as if you can never get ahead? You need a business hub. My preferred tool for building these is Airtable. 

Let’s discuss…… 

In my first ever YouTube video. I talk about how and why I created my own business hub and many of my clients within Airtable.
I have used many tools in my years in business, inside and outside of corporate America. I have always been drawn to spreadsheets with columns and rows because of the way they relate to one another and how organized it is.

Before I even knew what an Executive Business Hub was, I would organize all of my links, information, and even some passwords (which I DONT recommend now) in a Google sheet with lots of tabs and separate sections. It worked for a while, until I saw what Airtable could do. (More on that in future blogs).

Long story short. An Executive Hub is like a table of contents for your business.


It is a place where you have all of your important information including Links, Data, important dates, and contact information. The idea itself isn’t novel, but finding a consistent place to store it and access it is.

Watch my video on YouTube and check out my Executive Hub Template link below 🙂


You can find some of the bullet points below in my video as well!

  • Creation of a Business Hub
  • All the things in business that a business needs access to 
    • Product/offer information
    • Team information
    • Quick Links
    • Important Documents
    • Courses and Notes
    • Staff Team directory
    • SOP List
    • Goals for the organization
    • Tech stack
  • How to create an executive hub in airtable
  • Organization and Visualization makes it even more powerful


If you want to see a great use-case for ClickUp, check out my Executive Hub used in the video. This is an excellent tool for all CEO’s or anyone running their own or someone else’s business. 


Check out my Executive Hub Airtable template! (What you see in the video!) 


Create a Business Hub with Airtable Read More »

How to find your data FAST.

An article in McKinsey reported that

“employees spend 1.8 hours every day—9.3 hours per week, on average—searching and gathering information. Put another way, businesses hire 5 employees but only 4 show up to work; the fifth is off searching for answers, but not contributing any value.”

The same is true for soloprenuers and small businesses.

Have you ever given much thought to how much time you spend looking for a document or a link in your business and are unable to find it?
You either give up entirely, or spend a few hours recreating the document that you know already exists, but are unable to locate.

Let’s look at an even smaller situation. Let’s say you make a connection with an ideal client and you are wanting to schedule a call with them. Do you need to go to your scheduler link to send them or hop onto google calendar and take the time to find a mutually beneficial slot?

It’s amazing how much time we waste just LOOKING for things. 

This is especially frustrating when you are a business owner, a mom, a neuro-diverse individual who can go down rabbit holes WAAAAYYY too easily.

So how do you organize your life and business for success?

Well, insert your “Executive Hub”, the portal to everything you need to access and a MUST for my clients.

Executive HubSo while time saving and productivity are the #1 reasons to set up an executive hub, I have outlined some other vital benefits as well.

1. All pieces of your business in 1 place – Organization

My motto for my own business is to

Simplify simplify simplify.

The first way to do this is to keep everything organized and categorized. If it’s organized in the place where it should be and easily accessed it has resounding effects all over your business. I mean the synonym to “business” is “organization”, it’s not “a mess of links and files that I may or may not be able to utilize every again”.
Perhaps it’s the years that I worked in a library, but the mere fact that everything is organized makes everything else EASIER. There I said it. BUSINESS IS EASY.

Okay, I’m a bad liar, it’s not easy, but it CAN be simple.

2. Easy to hand off things to team members and trust they will know how to find the info themselves

Somewhat related to point 1, having everything organized makes handing things off to team members or contractors a much smoother process. If they happen to have a question about something, direct them to the Executive Hub.

If they are asking about how a process happens, direct them to the Executive Hub

If it’s their first day and their trainer is out sick and they dont’ know where to start….. Direct them to the executive hub (or maybe give them a quick overview first).


3. Anxiety reducing – it’s good for your health!

Anxiety may be one of the top contributing factors to health issues in today’s world. Seeing that women are much more susceptible to it than men (not to mention the # of things that today’s modern-day woman juggles, especially those that have chosen to have families) it would make sense to reduce the anxiety in all of the areas possible. Taking care of yourself should be one of your “big rocks”, you are the CEO of your company and your family. Leave your brain-power and your problem-solving abilities for when they need it. 


4. Simplifies processes and SOP’s

Executive Hubs also makes it more efficient to outline processes, create SOP’s and generally help your business and team operate smoothly.

Knowing all of the information points, or data points that your processes utilize can help shorten the length of time you or a team member may utilize to find that information multiple times for multiple projects.

If a link to a particular document changes, the only place you need to change it would be the hub, if everything else, like your SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) point at the hub for access to these things.  Gone are the days of updating 10 places when you just have to update 1.


5. Allows you to serve your clients better and more efficiently

These may be the most important and beneficial aspects of your Executive hub. Being able to answer client questions, provide information, or review an FAQ for policy changes are just some of the things that an Executive Hub can do to improve the Client Care aspect of your business.

In fact, in some cases, you can actually direct your client to a client portal that has access to some of these things, not only saving time for you but your clients as well.

As a client of many services, I appreciate quick and succinct answers and access to my inquiries, and knowledge of how things work.


Okay, so you know that an Executive Hub is a good idea, how do you go about creating one? How do I structure my business from the get-go to be able to access the information I need?

Ana writing⭐ Start simply.


Over the course of the day, write down all of the “information” you find yourself looking for. At the end of the day, categorize those “things” in larger sections, such as “Operations”, “Training”, “Finances” or “Marketing”.

With those in mind, you can use Airtable (my preference) or Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, to create a table for each of those sections.

The next day you can add more items to each of the categories. As you go on you will find several subcategories for them within each larger category. For instance,

 Marketing will have “Social Media” or “Idea Hub” etc.

As your business becomes a bit more complicated, you will be able to refer back to the executive hub and figure out if you need to update anything or if it’s out of date and then classify it as “active” or “inactive”.

Stop looking for things multiple times. Know you can go one place and only one place to find everything you need. It may seem like a small thing, but having that dewy decimal system of organizing is life-changing, for you and your biz.

Do you want to know more about these Executive Hubs? How they may help you? How to start one, or how to hire someone to help you organize it?

Send me a message or check out my website 🙂

How to find your data FAST. Read More »